Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3554: Another Shen Ning

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When Su Jin finished feeding the Queen Mother Zhou a bowl of medicine, looking back to Shen Ning and thank you, she found that Shen Ning and Chu Shaobai didn't know when they had left.

"Xiao Bai, you let me down, I can go by myself."

Shen Ning was held horizontally by Chu Shaobai, spreading his light gongs and walking on the walls of the palace, attracting several imperial guards. They thought that there were assassins in the palace, but when Chu Shaobai was holding a girl in his arms, his face was exposed. Embarrassed.

They immediately lowered their eyes, pretending not to see the same.

Chu Shaobai ignored the guards and took her back to Guanju Palace in one breath.

"Ning'er, thank you." He put her down, looked at her deeply, and turned to the roof. The white shadow flashed, and soon disappeared.

Shen Ning is funny and helpless.

He is such a big man, and sometimes she is as willful as when she first met him.

The people in the palace saw her with a respectful and grateful smile.

But no one except Xiaoru knew her identity.

Princess Chang didn't say, Xiaoru also closed her mouth tightly.

After all, she changed her face. If it spreads, it will be scary enough. No one will believe that she is Shen Ning, and no one believes that she is the Queen Mother.

Although the princess has a bold personality, she is not careless. She knew this kind of thing well, and thought that she would wait for the emperor's brother to wake up and let him have a headache.

Shen Ning looked at those once familiar palace people who were strange and respectful to himself, and smiled bitterly in his heart.

She walked into the bedroom.

"Xiao Ru, go rest, I'll be here."

But Xiaoru refused to leave her, and she said a few words, and then she went to the next room reluctantly.

The room was quiet, only she and Mo Chuan on the couch.

Mo Chuan still lay there motionless, Shen Ning gave him a pulse, and realized that his condition had improved again, and he was very happy.

She remembered her period of unconsciousness. The whole portrait was in darkness without light, surrounded by a silence, no sound, surprisingly quiet.

At that time she thought that the person who saved her was Mo Chuan. She was so eager that Mo Chuan could talk to her. No matter what she said, as long as she heard the voice, she would not feel lonely and uncomfortable, even the darkness Will become bright.

The loneliness is really uncomfortable, she will not let Mo Chuan taste the same taste.

"Mochuan, let me tell you my story. You must not think where I came from. I never told you these words, because if I said it, you would be surprised, um, maybe I will think that I am a monster, even if you can accept it, I am afraid that your ministers will not accept it, they may take me to light the sky lantern ... "

She held Mo Chuan's hand, and there was a smile on her lips.

This is her secret. She never thought of telling anyone a secret. Even for Mochuan, she never thought of telling him.

After all, the soul traverses this kind of thing, in this era it is the existence of a demon, no one can accept it, and no one can believe her words.

I am afraid that even Mochuan, who loves her deeply, may not accept it.

She didn't want to bet on her love and happiness.

She originally wanted to rot in her stomach all her life.

But at this time, she wanted to say, because she knew that Mo Chuan's consciousness was still outside the body, which he could not hear.

"I come from a very far away place, it's not the same here and there, in fact, I'm not Shen Ning, no ... I mean, this is Shen Ning, daughter of General Shen Da , I am another Shen Ning ... "

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