Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3566: Husband within a foot

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Chu Shaobai said quietly: "He is drunk."

Tana stared at Qi Yanyu's face, nodded, and didn't speak, and there was a sorrow in her eyes.

"Help him go to bed."

Tana nodded again and went to Lacy Yanyu.

"Brother, you are drunk, I will help you to rest in the guest room."

Qi Yanyu stumbled with her and walked to the guest room. He fell to the ground on the ground and murmured: "Tana, he is your husband. Do you know what a husband is? Your husband is within one foot! Grab him firmly, don't loosen the thread in your hand, if you lengthen the thread, let him go! You have to remember this sentence firmly ... "

Tana said softly: "Brother, I know you are good for me, I know."

Qi Yanyu mumbled something again, rolled over, and snore loudly.

Tana took a quilt to cover him, and did not leave immediately, but sat beside him, holding his chin silently.


Under Shen Ning's careful conditioning, Empress Zhou's body really improved day after day.

Mo Chuan was overjoyed at the sight of her mother's complexion.

"Tomorrow, the mother will be able to wake up, right? When I held her hand today, I realized that her fingers were moving." He couldn't help asking Shen Ning.


Shen Ning was grinding a medicine powder, and he did not lift his head.

Mo Chuan walked over and took the tool in her hand: "You teach me, I will get it."

Shen Ning smiled: "Okay, I will teach you."

Under her guidance, Mo Chuan quickly polished the medicine powder, and Shen Ning then grinded a dozen kinds of medicinal materials into powder and juice to make small longan balls.

"It's called Wushen Yangrong Pills, and you can take it when the empress dowager wakes up, one capsule a day, to nourish the qi and nourish the mind."

"Ning'er, I really can't think of your mother treating you like that, but you are trying to save her like this. I ... I ..." Mo Chuan's words stuck in his chest and he couldn't tell.

He was guilty and helpless.

"Because she is your mother-in-law, I will naturally save her, otherwise would it not make you an unfilial person?" She said indifferently.

She was a healer, and she couldn't see a woman who gave all her son a miserable death.

If she doesn't save, she will feel guilty all her life.

"Okay, take these medicines to Aunt Su Jin." She packed dozens of small pills into medicine bottles and gave them to Mochuan.

Mo Chuan took it, and by the way, held her hands together and stared at her.

"Are you going to stop seeing your mother from now on?"

"I was worried that the queen mother would see her when she woke up and would make her angry again. She can't be excited now, so I still don't want to appear as well." Shen Ning said lightly.

"You know that your mother can't recognize you now, and everyone in the palace can't recognize you now, Ning'er, when the mother is ready, I will tell you all about your identity!" Mo Chuan held her tightly hand.

He had long wanted to do this.

I wanted to do this from the first day he woke up.

He wanted to tell everyone that this magician named Shen Rumei was not a woman from outside, but the queen he was marrying!

She has come back!

He is unwilling to let others look at her with strange eyes, to talk about her in the back, to criticize her, to slander her!

But she did not allow it. She said it was not the time to announce the truth.

"Mochuan, don't, it's not the right time." Shen Ning understood what he meant, but she still shook her head and refused.

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