Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3581: Rivals meet

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"Since the emperor is willing, that matter will be left to the emperor to do it. You must choose a suitable person for the girl Shen in the prince's minister, and you must make the girl happy. This is your job." Zhou The queen mother smiled and patted her son's shoulder.

Her words were like a heavy hammer, knocking Mo Chuan suddenly.

Mo Chuan stared blankly at Empress Zhou, but did not respond for a moment.

"Why, I can't think of a suitable person at the moment? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. This matter can be postponed. The emperor still put his mind on your wedding. This is the top priority." Empress Zhou said with a smile.

Mo Chuan finally relived.

The whole person is more like a bowl of ice water poured from his head, and his head is cold.

He looked at Empress Zhou's eyes a little bit colder.

The expression faintly said: "Children understand the meaning of the mother, but this is the private affair of Miss Shen. Although I am a monarch of a country, I cannot interfere in the private affairs of others."

He refused without hesitation, leaving no room for half.

Empress Zhou seemed to have expected that he would say this, and smiled slightly: "Yes, it's because the mourning family is not thinking well. The emperor is worried about the state affairs. Like this kind of small marriage of the daughter's family, let the mourning family control it, you Just handle the political affairs properly, and this family will surely do it properly and find a satisfactory destination for Miss Shen. "

This trick even kills Mo Chuan, and not only can Mo Chuan be caught off guard, but he can't say a word of rebuttal.

Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy!

Mo Chuan's eyes were deep and quiet, and he looked out the window with his lips, and said nothing.

In the garden outside, Shen Ning and Jiang Yuwan tandem one after the other, on the surface they were looking at the flowers and viewing the scenery, but neither of them had that thought.

Shen Ning calmly calmed down, she had already seen it. Although Queen Zhou did not recognize who she was, she instinctively disliked herself, deliberately left out, and made an excuse to keep herself in the palace.

She couldn't think of the purpose of Empress Zhou.

Jiang Yuwan looked at Shen Ning from time to time. Out of the woman's intuition, she vaguely developed a hostility towards Shen Ning.

She had heard of this woman named Shen Rumei, and heard that her medical skills were extremely high. She was recommended to enter the palace to treat the emperor by the princess. As a result, a dose of medicine cured the emperor and the empress. She paid attention to her, and let her live in Guanju Palace of the former queen.

This unusual treatment made Jiang Yuwan jealous.

When she hadn't met, she was curious and wanted to see this magician named Shen Rumei.

At this time, she saw that although Shen Ning was behind her, she was not as good as herself, but the calm and graceful manners, as well as the beauty of her beautiful appearance, made her produce. A feeling of self-sufficiency.

She suddenly felt angry, and clearly felt that the inferior person was the other party. Why did she have such a strange psychology?

"Miss Shen, do you like this peony flower?"

Jiang Yuwan suddenly stopped and asked Shen Ning, pointing to a peony in front.

Shen Ning looked over and saw that it was a plant of Yao Huang Mudan, but Jiang Yu did not know what he wanted, so he nodded and said, "This plant of Yao Huang Mudan works very well. It should be the most precious variety in this garden."

Jiang Yuwan said: "Yes, Yao Huang Mudan is very noble, no matter how close the peony is, no one can match it. All flowers will be overshadowed in front of it."

Although the tone of her speech was soft, the conspicuous meaning in her words could not be understood more clearly.

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