Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3590: Life is passing

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"What is fierce, I will not harm you." She made a grimace to the fierce bird.

But the fierce bird obviously didn't trust her. It remembered that it was her way when she saw her for the first time. If the owner didn't show up in time, it had been stripped and cooked by the human being.

"Okay, you go."

Shen Ning waved his hand at the fierce bird and dared not touch it again. In this bird's eyes, only the white devil had a master, and no one was allowed to touch it except him.

Hai Dongqing gradually flew away, and soon merged with the night sky, disappeared.

Seeing its distant back, Shen Ning sighed for a long time.

She owes the white devil a life, and does not know when she will be returned to him.

She doesn't even know how to repay.


The next day, Qi Yanyu came to her with enthusiasm again, saying that her archery was too bad, and she had to teach her to shoot arrows.

Seeing his warm smile, neat white teeth, the haze that was rejected yesterday didn't stay on his face.

Shen Ning couldn't help shaking his head, I really envy him for being able to live heartlessly, so happy.

"I don't like learning archery."

"It doesn't matter, I like to teach you."

It doesn't make sense to refuse to continue. Shen Ning knows his temperament and doesn't stop until he reaches his goal.

"Okay, where are you going?"

"Out of effect."

This time they did not bring two children, nor did they bring Xiaoru, no relatives, the two men and one horse, went out of the capital and went straight to the suburbs.

Only when he was out of the city, Qi Yanyu stopped Ma Rein and said to the air:

"I will send her back with a lot of hair, but if you follow again, I will be rude to you."

At that moment, he had a murderous opportunity, and the chill was pressing.

Shen Ning did not speak.

Although she can't see the figure, she knows that someone has been protecting herself all the time, and that person is chasing the wind.

Qi Yanyu turned back and smiled brightly.


He raised her hand and gave her horse a butt, and the horse ran quickly.

"Let's Bibi riding first, if you lose, marry me!" He laughed loudly.

"Bah!" Shen Ning gave him a sip.

The two horses ran in tandem.

Chasing the wind stopped the pace of tracking, no matter how fast he was on two legs, he could not catch up with the four-legged Qianli Liangma.

He returned to the palace and killed Mo Chuan.

Mo Chuan finished listening without saying a word. He never put down his pen for reviewing and writing, and his face was expressionless.

"Got it." He said only three words.

After Chasing Wind left, he looked up and looked out the window.

The grass is flying and the spring is bright. It is the best season of the year.

If he is not the emperor, he can also put down everything in the palace like Qi Yanyu and accompany her to go hunting and archery.

But now, he can't do anything, and even she can't even do anything to blame her.

During this time, he did not even dare to see her.

Empress Zhou is preparing for his marriage with Jiang Yuwan.

In a short time, there is less than a month left.

Looking closer and closer to the fifteenth of next month, Mo Chuan's already silent heart could not help but start to get anxious.

This guy, why not come back!

Why not bring Gu Qingze back!

As long as Gu Qingze comes, he can surely heal her mother and let her mother live longer, and there will never be only 90 days left!

No, it's not even 90 days.

Empress Zhou ’s life passed by day by day, and Mo Chuan felt that the blood in her heart was constantly flowing.

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