Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3592: Her heart is warm

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The ointment she made cools and refreshes the skin, and after applying it, the hot wounds almost no longer hurt.

After applying the medicine, Mo Chuan did not let go of her hand, but stretched out her arms and hugged her into her arms, hugging him tightly.

Shen Ning was cuddling softly in his arms. Both of them were silent, only the candlelight on the table was beating the warm flame.


Mo Chuan whispered in her ear.

"Um." She whispered.


He called again.

"Well, I'm here." She responded.

Mo Chuan didn't speak anymore, his lips landed gently on her forehead, and he did not touch her.

She whispered, "Is everything ready for the wedding?"

Mo Chuan shuddered, holding her arms as if shaking slightly, but did not speak.

"You don't worry, I said I won't leave you. I said that, even if you really married another woman, I won't leave you." Shen Ning closed her eyes and leaned herself closer In his arms.

"Ning'er, I'm sorry, Primary Four is back, but he didn't find your master."

Finally, Mo Chuan said.

When he received this news, his mood was extremely heavy, and it was even darker in front of him.

He didn't know how much courage and perseverance he had drummed up before he came here to find her.

"Well, I know." Shen Ning said softly.

She had long guessed this would be the case. Gu Qingze would not settle in one place. If he had not accompanied her, he would have left that town long ago.

Even she couldn't find him.

Mo Chuan held her arms tight and tight. He never said anything because she knew what he was going to say.

And she also gave him the answers and guarantees he wanted most.

The two laughed at each other, but saw the helplessness and desolation in each other's eyes from the smile.

"Okay, I'm fine, you go." Shen Ning left his arms, straightened his hair and turned his back.

His arms are too warm, too much to make her nostalgic, she is afraid that she will rely on him for a while, will not be willing to leave him.

Mo Chuan looked at her slender back, thin shoulders, but with a sense of independence and stubbornness.

His heart hurt again.

She is always like this, independent and independent, and never willing to let her weakness be exposed to people, even in front of him, she rarely reveals her weak side.

She always makes him heartbroken.

Mo Chuan left quietly. He left for a long time, and Shen Ning slowly turned around. She stared at the ointment on her palm, and the corner of her mouth slowly raised.

She doesn't hurt, really.

Because her heart has always been warm.


This night she slept extraordinarily sweetly until Xiaoru woke her up the next day.

"Miss, that Qi Yanyu is here again."

"Really?" She got up lazily and said, "I'm so hungry, do you have anything to eat?"

Xiaoru hurriedly served the prepared meals, and she had been heated three times.

Shen Ning was fed and drunk, and took another bath before coming to the courtyard.

Qi Yanyu is teaching the two children to punch, and when he hears footsteps, he looks up at Shen Ning and his smile is as bright as the sun.

His smile was very contagious, and it made people worry when they saw it. Even Xiaoru's impression of him changed unknowingly.

"Lazy girl, the sun only basked in the sun before getting up, your son is more diligent than you as a mother!"

Shen Ling'er and Xiao Chuyao are fighting you with one punch, both faces are very serious, very serious practice.

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