Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3601: He is not a vegetarian monk

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"Go to sleep? I think you ordered her acupuncture point."

Shen Ning guessed that Gu Xiaoru's loyalty to himself could never be done.

Qi Yanyu was seen through by her, and didn't feel embarrassed, she simply admitted.

"I think the girl is so annoying, eyebrow girl, you don't have to hide it from me, what are you doing for this, I know everything."

Shen Ning said nothing, she knew that she could hide others, but she never wanted to hide Qi Yanyu.

He is really supernaturally powerful.

Qi Yanyu uttered a sigh and sat down in front of her bed, saying, "How big did I think it happened, and for a long time, wasn't it a maid who was pregnant with the boy's child? What's the big deal?" It makes me think that the sky is falling. Which of your men in the Western Chu Kingdom is not like this, three wives and four concubines, do you think that Chu Mochuan will keep your body like a jade for you? In the year when you were away, you know he was lucky How many women have you ever been? He is a man and not a monk. Do you really think he is a vegetarian? "


Shen Ning only felt that something was stuck in his heart, and it was painful.

She couldn't help but stare at Qi Yanyu. Are you so comforting?

Are you comforting, or stabbing a knife in your heart?

Qi Yanyu didn't seem to see her eyes at all, she said to herself: "It's better to be our man from the Northern Qi Kingdom. As long as you marry me, I promise you will be the only woman in your life. Not only is it unacceptable, I wo n’t even look at it. "

Shen Ning was almost amused by his words.

Who is this?

It's almost heartless, and I just put a handful of salt on her wounds, and I sold myself to her in a blink of an eye.

She has rejected him many times, and all the refusals are smooth.

"Impossible." She shook her head.

But Qi Yanyu didn't hear anything, didn't see it, even if he heard it, he pretended not to hear it, and continued to smile at her with white teeth.

"You should take good care of your illness. When your illness is cured, I will take you out of here. I will take you to Beiqi to see the snowy mountains, the grasslands, and the beautiful scenery of Beiqi. I do n’t want to leave in my life! "

He began to describe the various benefits of Bei Qi, which was endless and did not give her the opportunity to intervene.

Shen Ning leaned on the pillow and listened with a smile.

He said a lot of interesting things, most of them are absurd.

Although he knew he was talking nonsense, and made her happy deliberately, but on this quiet and dull night, a warm candlelight was lit. There was such a person talking nonsense around him, but it also drove away her heart. The part of loneliness and coldness.

Listen and listen, she just fell asleep unconsciously.

Confused, she felt that someone was patting her shoulder gently, just like coaxing a child, but it made her feel particularly warm and at ease.

The next day, her illness was not only worse, but worse.

She was bedridden and dizzy all day long.

Xiaoru was worried, but Qi Yanyu drove everyone out, especially Shen Ling'er and Xiao Chuyao. Qi Yanyu didn't let them step into Shen Ning's room at all, fearing they would quarrel her and rest.

Princess Chang brought Zhang Taiyi to visit Shen Ning, and also ate Qi Yanyu's closed door soup, so angry that Princess Chang almost smashed the door.

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