Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3603: Strong and weak

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Shen Ning was sitting in front of the dressing table with his back to him. Xiaoru was grooming her hair. On her right hand was a glazed vase. A large bouquet of fragrant flowers was inserted in the bottle, which was very bright.

The room was even more sunny, the windows were open, and the spring breeze was warm, but blowing on Mochuan's body made him feel chills.

He fell silent and did not make a sound.

Xiaoru didn't hear anything, and she concentrated on Shen Ning.

Shen Ning turned his back like he had eyes on his back, and smiled at him.

She wore a goose-yellow coat, and the warm color brightened his eyes.

He looked at her intently, her eyes were dark and bright as usual, her cheeks were slightly blushing, the smile was full of smile, the soft spring wind blew her hair, like a swaying windward spring flower, there is a kind of fragility And strong beauty.

"Ning'er, I'm here." Mo Chuan spit out a few words, looking away from her face a little bit.

His voice was dumb, and there was a tingling in his bone marrow. He used a lot of energy to keep his tone calm.

The moment he saw him, he had the urge to cry.

He even wanted to hug her tightly and crumple her delicate body into his body so that they would never separate again.

But he couldn't do anything. He could only stand there and watch her quietly.

"Xiao Ru, you go out first, I have something to tell him."

Shen Ning's expression was calm, and her eyes were like a undulating water, gazing quietly at Mochuan, but the words were to Xiaoru.

Xiaoru bit her lip, glaring at Mo Chuan fiercely, and retreated without even doing anything.

There were only two people left in the room, staring at each other, and no one spoke.

After a while, Shen Ning spoke slowly, her voice soft and unexpected.

"What do you want to say to me?"

Mo Chuan's throat rolled, and his lips opened slightly, but he didn't spit out a word.

Shen Ning's lips twitched slightly, revealing a bright smile, but that smile stung Mochuan's eyes.

All his patience and restraint fell apart in front of her smile.

"Ning'er, I ..." He blurted out, but he only said these three words, and he couldn't speak anymore.

His hands were tightly clenched into fists, his chest was up and down, and his forehead rose blue, but he couldn't open his mouth.

Shen Ning said softly: "You want to tell me that the child is not yours, is it?"

Mo Chuan clenched his teeth and said nothing.

"As long as you say no, I believe you." She stared at his eyes, her voice soft and calm.

"..." Mo Chuan said nothing.

But his heart seemed to be stabbed by thousands of swords.

"You didn't deny it, so the child is really yours?" Shen Ning's eyelashes quivered slightly.

Mo Chuan's eyes showed pain, and he shook his head, and his throat was choked, speechless.

Finally, he almost exhausted all his strength, and then forced out four words: "I don't know."

"I don't know?" Shen Ning smiled. "How could this kind of thing not be known?"

"I really don't know," Mo Chuan closed his eyes, and he fell into a painful memory. "After you were taken away by the man in white, I often dreamed of you. As soon as I close my eyes, I will see you. Afterwards, I could hardly sleep all night and all night. The doctor gave me several medicines for soothing the nerves. After I took the medicine, I would sleep for a while, but I closed my eyes and saw you, me I had countless dreams about you. As for the maid ... I really do n’t know what happened. During that time, I could n’t remember anything ... "

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