Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3615: Don't let you read jokes

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"Aren't you human?" She sarcastically.

"Of course I am a human, but you can treat me as non-existent."

"But you are right in front of me."

"That's good, then can't I hide?" Qi Yanyu said as he was about to leave.


"why not?"

"As soon as I think of you hiding next to want to see my jokes, I can't cry." Shen Ning blinked.

Originally full of sadness, all these words were destroyed by Qi Yanyu.

Now she just wants to laugh.

Qi Yanyu also blinked and took out a wine bag from behind like a trick.

"Since you can't cry, drink at the bar. If you get drunk, you might laugh together and forget all unhappy things."

"it is good!"

She also wanted to get drunk.

Two people holding wine bags, sitting on the snow-covered branches of the branches, you drink me bite.

Qi Yanyu took out another packet of preserved meat to drink.

Shen Ning could not help sighing: "What else are you preparing for?"

"you guess!"

"I can't guess." She shook her head.

Qi Yanyu smiled, took out a large handful of pine nuts, let her eyes light up, grabbed a few and sent them into her mouth.

The pine nuts are fragrant and sweet, plus a spicy liqueur. After a while, she feels fluttering all over the body, like walking in the clouds and fog.

After drinking, she became extremely smiling.

The more she drank, the deeper her smile and the crisper her laughter.

Qi Yanyu didn't drink less than her. Soon, there were more empty wine bags under the tree.

But the more he drank his eyes, the brighter his words became, and most of them were talking and he was listening.

Shen Ning was gradually drunk, leaning on the tree trunk behind her, she looked up at the stars in the sky.

She didn't speak for a while.

"What are you thinking?"

Qi Yanyu asked, at this moment, he could see that she was not thinking of Mochuan.

"I don't know." She shook her head confusedly, but she felt dizzy at first, and the head was even more dizzy.

She swayed and almost planted the tree. Luckily Qi Yanyu grabbed her.

"Brow girl, would you like to marry me?" He asked suddenly.

He has asked her at least seventeen or eight times about this question, but the answer he got is no exception.

Only this time he changed the question and asked her if she wanted to.

Shen Ning was really drunk. She felt that her ability to think had become hesitant. Looking at Qi Yanyu's young and beautiful face and slightly closed lips, she actually took a moment to respond to the questions he asked.

"Want or don't want to?" He asked step by step.

miss you……

Shen Ning nodded subconsciously, but she then reacted. The other party dug a hole for herself to jump, and she almost planted it.

"I don't want to." She shook her head.

Qi Yanyu did not show a disappointed expression in his eyes, as if he had long guessed the answer would be like this.

There was an ironic and sad smile on his lips.

"Brow girl, I don't care if you are awake or drunk, but I want to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" She frowned and looked at him.

It is rare to see such a serious and serious expression on his face.

Qi Yanyu took a breath and said in a deep voice: "My father and emperor have decided to unite South Vietnam and use troops against Xi Chu."

Shen Ning shook her head, she didn't hear clearly, and looked at him dimly.

"I don't know whether to tell you the news, but I think you will know sooner or later." Qi Yanyu said again.

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