Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3627: back to the start

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Hearing the word "Emperor", Shen Ning was startled, and then he realized that this man holding himself, comforting himself, and soon becoming his husband, was already a monarch of a country.

After going round and round, she seemed to return to the original point.

She has longed for a life of freedom and freedom, not like a palace that restrains freedom like a cage, but now she flew from one cage to another, or she jumped in.

Very ironic and ridiculous.

Qi Yanyu seemed to understand her thoughts: "You can rest assured that Bei Qi is not the same as Xi Chu. There are not so many red tapes. We have become pros, you have become my queen, and you are the same as before. Do whatever you want, and no one will dare say you are half wordless! If anyone dares to disrespect you, I will cut his tongue! "

His face was stiff, and there was a terrible murderousness and coldness all over his body.

Shen Ning didn't feel scared, but she felt a warmth in her heart.

"Qi Yanyu, thank you." She closed her eyes and said softly.

There was still sadness in her heart, but she no longer wanted to cry.

Qi Yanyu lifted her chin, stared at her, and said sternly: "We are all about to be married, can you not say thank you?"

She opened her eyes, the water mist still in her eyes, and the water was light and fascinating.

His heart couldn't help but get hot, and he really wanted to kiss him regardless of everything.

"Okay, I won't say it, Qi Yanyu." Her words were gentle and gentle.

Qi Yanyu couldn't resist her impulse, and continued to sternly say, "Don't call me Qi Yanyu again."

"What does that call you? Your full name?" Shen Ning blinked and suddenly smiled, "Sule and Kebari? Or Weihu?"

Qi Yanyu knew that she was making fun of herself, and he wanted to pretend to be angry, but he couldn't.

Hearing her soft, soft voice calling her name, it seemed like a feather lightly swept over his heart, making him feel comfortable and itchy.

"I want to hear you call me," he paused. "You know those two words."

He stared at her light red lips, eager to hear the words from her lips.

Of course Shen Ning knew, but she hesitated.

She couldn't scream.

At first, she gave herself more psychological hints, telling herself to marry him in a few days, and he will be her husband in the future, but she still can't say the words.

"It doesn't matter, you don't call now. If we don't call after we become pros, see how I clean up you." Qi Yanyu didn't force her, he was full of joy and expectation in his brilliant eyes.

Shen Ning understood the hints in his words, his face turned red, and he said nothing.

Qi Yanyu knew she was tired and wanted her to rest early, but holding her gently like this, he had an indescribable satisfaction and did not want to leave her at all.

He talked to her and talked to her a lot, all of which was nonsense, but also made her feel better.

She had listened to him with a smile, but unconsciously, her eyelids began to fight, and finally leaned in his arms and slept like this.

Qi Yanyu said that she didn't say anything. She lowered her head and saw her long eyelashes drooping, her nose thin, her white jade cheeks faintly flushed, her lips slightly upturned, she actually fell asleep.

He froze, his eyes fixed on her slightly warped lips, grunting, and swallowed.

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