Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Knowing that the white devil would not answer her question, she still asked.

Unexpectedly, the white devil actually answered.


He said coldly.

Shen Ning smiled: "When you get used to it, maybe you will fall in love with it."

The white devil remained silent again.

When he does not speak, he often disagrees.

Shen Ning has slowly been able to feel some of his thoughts.

She rolled her eyes: "Your disease has been cured, can we leave here tomorrow?"

"Well." The devil in white responded faintly.

He usually left after taking the medicine, but today he sits there still.

Shen Ning felt a little strange, looking at his plain clothes like snow under the lamp, and his icy mask, just like an icy god.

Or did he sneeze just like a person.

She thought about it and suddenly wanted to laugh again.

"You're happy to leave here?" The devil in white didn't ignore the smile on her lips.

"Of course, I will be happier when I see the people I care about are safe and sound," Shen Ning said calmly.

The devil in white no longer speaks.

Shen Ning muttered, why didn't he leave? Does he mean to chat with himself?

But there is no chat like him, sitting there and talking like a dumb.

"There is one thing I want to ask you." She thought about it. Since he wanted to chat, she would chat with him, but she could choose the topic.

The white devil didn't speak, and her eyes fell coldly on her face.

"Why is it preventing me from getting married?" She asked.

She's been thinking about this reason over and over these days, but her scalp is so painful that she still can't touch it at all.

There was only no deal between her and him, and he would not like her, so she could not find the reason.

Doing so would do him no good at all.

What is he drawing?

He looked at her indifferently for a long time, and finally spit out four words slowly:



This was a completely unexpected answer. She widened her eyes in surprise and asked, "Who is trusted?"

The devil in white said coldly: "You have asked enough."

What this means is that he should answer, and he won't say more than a word.

Shen Ning felt that one of the doubts had not disappeared, and the other one started again.

Will people like the white devil also do things for others?

But why not think about it?

He can trade with himself, and of course with others, as long as it is beneficial to him or what he wants, it will be the object of his transaction.

Just what he wanted?

Shen Ning suddenly realized that he didn't know anything about him.

She did not know his origin, his origin, his purpose, and why he appeared in this remote town. What did he ask for?

And why is there so many strange poisons in his body?

Why is he wearing a silver mask all day, what does the face under his mask look like?

His whole person is a mystery.

Shen Ning unconsciously came up with a god.

Holding her chin, she stared intently at his silver mask, a thoughtful expression on her face.

When she recovered, she discovered that the devil in white didn't know when she was gone.

"Goblin ..."

She murmured, thinking that she would leave here tomorrow, and it wouldn't take long to see the people she had missed for a long time.

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