Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3678: Secret hall

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"Small as!"

Shen Ning called out.

"Ah, Miss!" Xiao Ru's complexion immediately became shocked, panicked, and chaotic, and hurriedly hid the man behind him.

But it was too late.

Shen Ning had recognized the man's head.

"Primary four?"

Xiao Si turned around and saluted her.

"Meet the Queen Mother."

Although he tried to make a casual appearance, the embarrassment on his face flashed through.

Shen Ning suspiciously.

"What are you doing here?"

Xiao Si straightened up, but his head was not answered.

"How about Mochuan?" Shen Ning asked.

"Emperor ... Emperor ..." Xiao Si's face was flushed, and it was only a long time before he said, "The slave is here to ask Xiaoru girl if the emperor came."

"He didn't come, where did he go?" Shen Ning was strange.

"He ... he left with Qi Yanyu. He has been away for more than two hours. He hasn't come back. The minion felt very worried."

"Mochuan and Qi Yanyu?"

Shen Ning frowned, "Where have they gone?"

"The minions didn't know that Qingying had followed the emperor, but Qingying had no news. According to other dark guards, they seemed to ... seemed to have ... gone, gone ..." He was vomiting.

Shen Ning scolded: "Say, where did you go?"

Little Four said in a small voice: "It's that kind of dark room."

"Dark Hall?" Shen Ning frowned, then understood a little.

The so-called dark pavilion refers to some places that do not see signs of business but secretly do some shameless business.

This kind of dark pavilion is not only found in West Chu, but also in North Qi.

She remembered the youth hall that Qi Yanyu took herself to. The two little singers in the song sang a good piece of music.

Qi Yanyu is most familiar with this kind of place, but even without thinking about it, Qi Yanyu must have brought Mochuan to it.

"Queen empress, don't be angry, the emperor is definitely not going to that kind of place, maybe the dark guards have looked at the eyes, the emperor, the emperor he ..." Xiao Si stuttered and helped Mochuan to defend.

Shen Ning has raised his hand.

She looked at Xiao Si with a smile: "Where is that dark room, take me."

A clever little four fierce: "The minions don't know."

"Less nonsense!" Shen Ning looked blank.

Xiao Si suddenly bit his face, regretting that his intestines were green.

He glanced at Shen Ning and hesitantly said, "If you must go, change your clothes. Women can't get in there."

Shen Ning would understand.

She turned back to her room and soon changed into a men's outfit.

Looking at herself in the men's costume in the bronze mirror, she herself felt novel and interesting.

Out of the room, even Primary Four didn't recognize it at a glance.

"Queen, Queen Mother?" Both Xiao Si and Xiao Ru were surprised.

"Call me Mr. Shen."

Shen Ning's face did not change color.

"Shen, son Shen." Xiaosi swallowed.

Xiao Ru's face was excited, shouting: "Miss, the slave-servant will also go with you, and the slave-servant will also change men's clothing."

Shen Ningdeng's head was big, and he said with a straight face: "Nonense, that kind of place, how can you little girl go, and stay here with me obediently."

Xiao Ru grumbled his mouth aggrieved.

Shen Ning let Xiaosi lead the way in front of them. The two of them turned around in the alleys of the capital and finally walked into a small alley.

Although it is daytime, the alley is still dark.

There was only one family in the alley, but there were two big red lanterns hanging in front of the door. A girl in a red dress leaned on the door and looked at the seeds with boredom.

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