Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3685: first round

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Hearing the words, Xiao Si burst into tears.

"Master, the minions are not intentional ..."


Mo Chuan raised his foot and kicked on Xiao Si's ass.

Xiao Si fart stunned.

The little fellow who led the way also quickly slipped away. Only Mo Chuan was left in front of the Bichun Pavilion door. Looking at the two closed doors, neither was it walking, nor was it going inside.

He was upset and didn't know how to explain it.

After a while, a charming woman ’s voice suddenly came out of the room:

"Son, it's cold in the night, you wander outside the door and it's cold, please come in and talk."

Mo Chuan frowned, this sound was not Shen Ning.

I saw the door of the room, opened from the inside, and then came a warm incense.

He subconsciously held his breath.

But there seems to be no difference. As soon as the door opened, Qian Xiu's graceful figure appeared in front of him.

"Son, if you come, you will enter." She issued an implicit invitation.

Mo Chuan stood outside the door and glanced inside, but did not see Shen Ning.

"Young Master, did you come to find a young Master Shen?" Qian Xiu said again.

Mo Chuan faintly said, "Where is she?"

Qianxiu took a veil from his arms and smiled.

"Shen Gongzi said, if you want to see him, you have to pass Qianxiu first."

Mo Chuan stunned, this ghost girl, to tease him again?

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Qianxiu smiled and picked up a tea cup from the table and placed it on the ground.

"Shen Gongzi said, please stand on this teacup on one foot and stand for a full of incense. As long as you haven't fallen off, the teacup has not been crushed, even if you have passed the first level."

Mo Chuan suddenly filled with black lines.

He has no doubt that this method was conceived by Shen Ning, and only she would come up with such a weird method to tease herself.

"it is good!"

He took a breath, carried out light work, and fluttered lightly. When he fell, his left foot stepped on the thin side wall of the tea cup.

Although he stood on one foot, he stood firm.

A strange color appeared on Qianxiu's face, then, with a smirk, he took out the fire knife and flint and lit the incense on the table.

The incense gleamed with red light, but there was no pungent odor.

Mo Chuan didn't care at first, but it didn't take long for him to feel that the internal force could not be lifted, especially the two legs, and he even started to soften, nearly crushing the tea cup on the sole of his foot.

He immediately realized that there was a problem with this line of incense.

However, he carried the Lingxiong pill specially prepared for him by Shen Ning.

"This son, this fragrance is left by Mr. Shen."

Seeing Mo Chuan staring intently at the stick of incense, Qian Xiu busy explained, "This incense is a bit thick and burns slower than the usual incense. You must persevere, if you fall down, this level is even Failed. "

Sure enough, it was the ghost of that girl!

Mo Chuan thought, he knew that besides this ghost girl, no one else could get his poison.

Originally, he thought that Shen Ning's first level test was too simple. It seems that he thought it too simple. How could she make him pass easily ...

Even if she passed this first level, she didn't know what she was trying to do.

Mochuan gritted his teeth while expressing expectations.

Such a clever girl really makes him love and annoy.

Finally, watching the incense burn a little, the red light went out.

Mo Chuan stepped hard, and the porcelain cup shattered into several pieces, a thousand jumps.

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