Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3821: Future brother-in-law

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"Mrs. Bo, Mr. Bo, you are welcome to come to the hut. It is not an honor."

Shen Qingshan quickly smiled and greeted him.

But he faced the future son-in-law in military uniform, but inexplicably felt a strong aura, making him feel dry, ready to prepare a belly full of welcome speech, all forgotten a sperm.

Mrs. Bo was graceful and noble and nodded to him.

Chen Mingli had wanted to please Madam Bo, but she did not expect such a noble and generous manner as Madam Bo, making her think that the other party was like a white cloud high above the ground. Muddy.

She angrily pulled on her clothes, feeling like a Ba countryman, she couldn't even lift her head in front of Mrs. Bo.

Shen Qingshan's attitude is quite natural. After all, he has fought on the officialdom. After a few polite greetings, Mrs. Bo and Mr. Bo were sent to their living room.

The two sisters Shen Ruyun and Shen Ruotong were cautious, pinching the corner of their clothes unconsciously with both hands, and could not help but peep at Boss.

As soon as the sight line looked over, he encountered a cold light like the snow in the high mountains. He was so scared that his heart was beating wildly, and he no longer dared to raise his head.

The two had been waiting for Mrs. Bo and Mr. Bo to walk into the living room, just like the two air-bearing bags, shrunk and followed.

"Sister, I think the future brother-in-law's aura is so big. He just looked at me just now. I still have goose bumps until now."

Shen Ruotong whispered behind her sister.

The goose bumps on Shen Ruyun's body also disappeared, but she didn't want to be timid in front of her sister.

"What aura, this is called Junwei, understand it!"

Her tone contained pride that she couldn't say, but until now, she didn't see clearly what the thin boy looked like.

Mrs. Bo and Mr. Bo entered the living room of the Shen family.

The large crystal chandelier in the center of the living room shines brightly, and the entire living room looks extremely luxurious, but neither of them has any expression.

Next, the hostess Chen Mingli came forward to invite the two to take a seat, or to take a seat.

But Chen Mingli was shocked by the momentum of the two, only knowing to look at Madam Bo with a flattering smile, she couldn't say a word.

She didn't even dare to look at the thin boy with a strong aura.

Shen Qingshan was very disappointed and gave Chen Mingli a hard look.

He didn't expect that his wife would be so uncomfortable that he was shy and flinching.

She is usually diligent and considerate, and considerate, but she is a country boy in her bones, and she has completely lost her face.

Shen Qingshan crushed the fire, smiling all over, and stepped forward to invite Mrs. Bo and Mr. Bo into the table.

"No trouble, we have eaten."

Mrs. Bo spoke lightly.

Her voice is very soft, and the ending has a charm of Beijing movies, which is unspeakable.

But her words seemed to be a pot of cold water, which threw the Shen family's heart cold.

have already eaten?

Then they spent so much money to prepare the dinner carefully, wouldn't it be a soup?

Shen Qingshan moved his lips and smiled again, and was preparing to invite again.

Mrs. Bo gently waved her hand: "Deputy Director Shen, let's talk about the business first, I don't know which Lingyuan was engaged to Pediatric Mo Yan?"

She has been standing there since she entered the living room, with a graceful appearance, but it gives people an unattainable feeling.

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