Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3829: The language is not amazing

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Madam Bo was angry, and said coldly: "Miss Shen, this matter has nothing to do with you. You don't need to apologize for her."

Shen Ruyun took a step forward and gently pulled Mrs. Bo's hand: "Madam, she is my sister, she did something wrong, and it was my sister who didn't teach me well, and I should apologize to you."

These few words made Mrs. Bo feel more comfortable.

She finally looked up at Shen Ruyun.

Compared with Lonely's coldness and stubborn temper like Shen Ning, Shen Ruyun, who looks like a bird, looks too pleasing.

Mrs. Bo nodded slowly to her and patted the back of her hand: "You are more sensible than your sister."

The words of praise made Chen Mingli's mother and daughter almost snotty.

Shen Ruyun was happy and proud, but she bowed her head shyly.

"My wife has praised me, her husband is noble and generous. As soon as I see my wife, I feel admiration. I really want to follow my wife and learn from you, even if I only feel one tenth of your wife, it is also Ok."

Hearing this, Shen Ningrenjun couldn't help but hardly make a noise.

The pair of mothers and daughters are so thick-skinned.

Even if you want to shoot Mrs. Bo's ass, can you shoot it implicitly, don't be so straightforward, okay?

Who is Mrs. Bo? I do n’t know how much I usually hear about the flattery of horses. If there is technical content, this rumor of Shen Ruyun ca n’t be put on the table at all.

But she was just touched by Shen Ning, and Shen Ruyun's flattering flattery became particularly appetizing for her.

She has another impression of Shen Ruyun.

If the girl who got engaged to her son was her ...

The thought flashed through her mind.

Chen Mingli, a shrewd person, she immediately noticed Mrs. Bo's careful thought. Although she was not completely sure, she would not give up this fleeting opportunity.

"Ma'am, I think Xiaoyun and you are destined to join you. Xiaoyun, you can talk with your wife well." Chen Mingli pursed her lips, and the smile she couldn't conceal has been going up.

Yeah, I'm kind of fate with this girl.

Mrs. Bo pondered this sentence.

Her mind moved another two points.

Chen Mingli also knows that the point is over, and sometimes it is not too clear to say too much.

If he immediately asked the eldest daughter to marry the second daughter, causing Mrs. Bo to feel disgusted, then all the effort would be in vain.

Now, as long as I appease Mrs. Bo, let Xiaoyun get close to her and win Mrs. Bo's affection, do you still worry about this family matter?

The more she wanted the more beautiful, she couldn't help but glanced at her husband proudly.

Seeing that Madam Bo did not hate the eldest daughter, Shen Qingshan also showed a kind smile to the eldest daughter, and her tight heartstrings could not help but loosen up. She secretly wiped the cold sweat and nodded gratefully to Chen Mingli.

The scene saw Shen Ning yawn straight.

She was impatient and watched Chen Mingli's mother and daughter in front of Mrs. Bo, pleased to act well, only to get back the jade card left by her grandfather.

"Mrs. Bo, I think you like my sister very much?"

Suddenly her words came out in a shock.

Hearing the words, everyone in the living room was stunned.

Shen Ruyun looked at her alertly, this dead girl wants to destroy?

Stop thinking!

Chen Mingli also groaned.

Intuition told her that Shen Ning must have regretted it.

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