Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3866: Don't want to be a joke

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His mood became better, and he began to eat the food in front of him gracefully.

Shen Ning looked at his every move, even with the most discerning eyes, he couldn't find his slightest mistake.

He looks very elegant and noble, eating with a noble temperament.

Coupled with his handsome appearance, no wonder the little girls in City D saw him as if the flies flew up like honey.

Shen Ning raised the corner of her lips and smiled lightly.

Although Fu Shaobei did not look at her directly, Yu Guang of the corner of her eyes never left her.

Seeing her first looked at her intently, and then smiled again, she was more proud.

Sure enough, she began to pay attention to herself, no woman would dislike her face.

If you change someone else, Fu Shaobei will be very angry because he does n’t eat by his face!

But she was staring at him intently, but he felt proud and satisfied in his heart. If he could attract her attention by the face, then he was willing.

As soon as this thought crossed his mind, Fu Shaobei suddenly scorned himself.

"Mr. Fu, I've eaten. Can I leave?"

After Shen Ning finished eating, put the knives and forks together and put them neatly on the plate.

Fu Shaobei froze, staring at her without speaking.

There was a faint light at the bottom of the eyes.

Shen Ning smiled slightly and said again: "Fu always said that I was just invited to dinner. Now that the meal is over, Mr. Fu will not force guests to stay?"

Fu Shaobei's thin lips pursed and said coldly: "Of course, you can leave at any time."

He threw the napkin in his hand heavily on the table, and his good mood suddenly ran away.

This woman has to leave when she is full. Is it really that he wanted to invite her for a meal?

He sighed in his heart and wanted to get angry, but there was no reason.

He said that he just invited her to dinner.

But seeing her so eager to leave, made him very uncomfortable.

Shen Ning nodded, stood up, and said very politely: "Today's dinner is very delicious, thank you Mr. Fu for such a wonderful meal, thank you very much.

This sounds weird!

Fu Shaobei stared at her and did not speak.

Shen Ning smiled again, took the bag in his hand, and turned away gracefully.

The waiter stepped forward to open the door of the box for her. She smiled and thanked her, then went out.

Taking the elevator to the lobby, she couldn't help but speed up her steps, feeling relieved in her heart.

Finally leaving Hukou.

It was here that suddenly footsteps came from behind.

Her heart shrank involuntarily.

Before she turned around, she felt her wrists tighten.

Fu Shaobei strode up and caught her.

"Mr. Fu, what do you mean?" Shen Ning frowned, looking back at him puzzled.

"No other meaning, just want to send you home." Fu Shaobei's face was stinky, like who owed him two hundred dollars in money.

"Oh, don't trouble Mr. Fu, I can take a taxi myself ..."

Before he finished speaking, Fu Shaobei was impatiently interrupted.

"Long word!"

He did not give her any chance to refuse, and threw the car key to the waiter, the tone of the command: "Drive my car over."

Then he grabbed her and walked out of the restaurant door.

People are coming and going in front of the restaurant with bright lights.

Shen Ning didn't struggle, she didn't want to make herself a joke for D City tomorrow, let alone make headlines.

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