Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3874: Show a good figure?

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This is the most common method and tone he used to deal with the enemy. The girl said something similar to him.

But he is usually used to threaten others, when others dare to threaten him?

All those who dare to speak to him in such a tone no longer exist.

After Shen Ning finished speaking, he walked away.

Only Fu Shaobei was left alone on the cold bluestone ground, and the mountain breeze blew, and he shivered in tremors.

Seeing Shen Ning go away, Fu Shaobei took a breath out unconsciously, only to feel that the tight nerves also loosened.

He was never afraid of fear, but he did n’t know why. When he saw that Shen Ning was like a fox, he suddenly felt that the hair on the back of the neck was upright.

The girl was bold and careful, and she was lawless.

Very similar, really similar.

It was like a model carved out of him.

The murderous anger in Fu Shaobei's heart disappeared unconsciously as Shen Ning left.

He lay there with his face up, and he could see the starry sky with his eyes open.

The sky is full of stars.

It's beautiful.

Fu Shaobei can't remember how long he hasn't seen the stars.

He is busy, very busy.

As the sole heir of the Fu Group, his daily duties, banquets, and social relations kept him busy every day, even without sleeping.

He has no time and no mood to watch the stars.

But when he was young, he liked to watch the stars the most, often for hours at a glance.

He likes the myths about the stars best.

According to legend, when a person dies, it becomes a star in the sky. He often thinks, will he also be a star in the sky?

He didn't know how long he lay again.

Then he heard the hurried footsteps.

It was Peng Junkai who had been following him loyally and protecting him.

Peng Junkai's car has been trailing behind his car, but it is very far away, and did not let Shen Ning discover.

He ran up to the pavilion, and at a glance, he saw Fu Shaobei lying on the ground, his mouth suddenly opened in an O shape.

He was followed by two bodyguards in black.

But Peng Junkai turned back immediately, forbidding them to board the pavilion.

"Stand there and don't move." Peng Shaokai ordered.

The two bodyguards immediately stopped on the steps and looked up at the gazebo, their expressions inexplicable.

Peng Junkai turned around again and glanced quickly at Fu Shaobei, the expression on his face was stunned.

If it weren't for the starlight on Fu Shaobei's unusually handsome face, this face can be said to be unique. He could not believe that the bodybuilder man who had been stripped and lying there would be a young master in his heart.

Did n’t the master take off the clothes deliberately and lie here while taking a cool show while showing a good figure?

The thought flashed through him.

Of course impossible!

It was only March and the weather was very cold. Even if he stood in the pavilion wearing clothes, he felt the cold wind biting.


Although Fu Shaobei's figure is very predictable, Peng Junkai did not dare to look at it at a glance.

He lowered his head and yelled.

Fu Shaobei was motionless and silent.

It is not that he does not want to speak, but that he cannot speak.

But he is used to being silent, and Peng Junkai is also used to not speaking. The more he does not speak, the more he represents that he does not want to be disturbed.

It stands to reason that Peng Junkai should leave immediately, but he only felt strange in his heart.

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