Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Dad, I'm tired. I want to go back to rest. I have something to say tomorrow."

Shen Ning did not want to say more, she walked to her room and closed the door.

Closed everyone's problems out.

Because her brain is too messy and there are too many things to think about, she has no intention of dealing with anyone now.

What happened tonight is very strange, and definitely not accidental.

She dare to conclude.

Those three fools, someone must have arranged to deal with her specifically.

Because the driver was nagging, if no one paid, he would n’t look at her.


who is it?

Who spent the money to buy the three gangsters to deal with her?

The first person Shen Ning thought of was Chen Mingli.

Except for her, it doesn't seem to be a second person.

When Chen Mingli saw her, the expression on her face was also shocked, but her eyes were calm, as if she had guessed that there would be such a thing.


Shen Ning raised her lips and smiled coldly.

She had long guessed that Chen Mingli would dig a pit for herself, and originally thought she had colluded with Fu Shaobei to pit herself.

Unexpectedly ... I really overestimated this woman.

She is more filthy than she thought!

Actually thought of letting three men insult themselves.

But why did she do this?

Just not to let yourself blind date succeed?

Shen Ning calmed down and went through all the things that happened throughout the night in his mind. He already guessed most of the truth in his heart.

Chen Mingli has not only hated her, but has risen to the stage of hatred.

She saw that she was going to blind date with the deputy mayor's second son, knowing that she could not stop it, but she was unwilling to let her marry into the giants.

So she arranged for three people to humiliate herself on her way home.

In this way, even the deputy mayor's second son would not want her.

Sure enough, the most poisonous woman in the world!

What Shen Ning didn't expect was that Chen Mingli would be so impatient with himself.

She had already returned the Bo family's marriage as she had hoped. She still came up with this kind of poisonous plan to deal with herself, just didn't want to see how she was doing well?

Or is there another reason?

Shen Ning does not want to guess Chen Mingli's thoughts.

She lay on the bed, looked up at the ceiling, and remembered the scene where the three men called Tian Ying and Shi Ying, and was afraid for a while.

If it were not for Fu Shaobei to send her to follow her and protect her, what would happen to her now?

She dare not think about it.

Then I thought about it again, it was Fu Shaobei's people who saved her, then he had a life-saving grace for her?

But how did she repay him?

She stripped him off, and let him lie on the slate floor at the top of the mountain, blowing cold wind, and taking photos of his fruit, threatening him!

Thinking of this, her face suddenly burned hotly.

She buried her face deeply in the pillow.

Finished, why does she have a face to thank him?

When he saw her, he had to cramp her.

Shen Ning's heart is like turning over the river.

Thinking of Fu Shaobei, she blushed, wanted to laugh, and wanted to cry.

All kinds of tastes came to her, making her messy.

She was tossing and turning, tossing around on the bed like a stack of cakes, closing her eyes and trying to sleep, but she couldn't sleep.

At this moment, someone tapped on her door.

Shen Ning sat up from the bed all at once.


"Miss Two, it's me."

Aunt Liu's voice came from outside the door.

Shen Ning got out of bed and opened the door.

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