Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3882: Convey apology

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"Miss Shen, do you really think clearly? This matter does not require you to take action in person, as long as you nod your head, in a word, Fu Shao will help you deal with it properly, without leaving a little handle and trouble. Will not affect the reputation of Director Shen. "Peng Junkai said again.

He did not forget to seize the opportunity to help his young master get a credit, and touted it by the way.

"Thank you Fu Shao for me, no more."

Shen Ning refused again.

"Right, those three ..." she asked again.

Peng Junkai immediately said: "The three people have already dealt with them. They will never appear in front of Miss Shen again. Miss Shen will treat them as if they disappeared from this world."

Shen Ning just understood it.

She stopped asking.

Even if those three people didn't die, they might as well die.

"Tonight, please trouble me to say Fu Shao for me."

Shen Ning bit her lip and finally spoke.

She had always been so strong that she refused to bow her head easily, but what happened tonight made her feel full of guilt.

Fu Shaobei didn't treat her like that, but just kissed her for a while, and she used that method to deal with him. Now think about it, it is too much.

She wanted to reject his pursuit, there could be a hundred better ways.

But she chose the most stupid and worst method.

Now she regrets her intestines are green.


Peng Junkai thought he had heard it wrong and Fu Shao sent someone to save her. Shouldn't she thank the younger master instead of apologizing?

But then he suddenly realized that he almost didn't make any noise.

It turned out that the young master was stripped of his clothes and threw a cold wind on the gazebo on the top of the mountain. It was really Miss Shen's handwriting!



Peng Junkai held his heart, but he couldn't help smiling.

"Miss Shen, I will convey your apology to Fu Shao." He said in a serious tone.

Hanging up the phone, Peng Junkai walked to the door, tapped twice, and walked in.

Fu Shaobei just took a hot bath, wrapped in a nightgown, and sat on the sofa without knowing what to meditate on.

The heating in the room was so full that Peng Junkai sweated as soon as he entered.

But Fu Shaobei held a hot cup of brown sugar **** tea in his hand.

His eyes fell on the brown sugar water thoughtfully.

"Master, Miss Shen said she already knew, but she said that she would handle this matter by herself, and she didn't want to pursue Chen Mingli for the time being." He said with respect and respect.

Fu Shaobei snorted.


He said in a contemptuous tone.

This is how a woman is. She is lying on the ground. Others are riding on her head and shit. She is like a soft persimmon, so others can squeeze it round.

She wanted to help her out, she still refused?

I don't know anyhow!

He put the cup in his hand heavily on the table.

Hey, Master, is this angry?

Peng Junkai carefully observed Fu Shaobei's complexion, and understood in his heart that the young man's hot face was affixed with a cold **** again, and the good intentions of sending him to the door were rejected.

"Miss Shen also said ..." He paused deliberately, then glanced at Fu Shaobei.

Sure enough, although Fu Shaobei was still unhappy, his ears stood up unconsciously.

"What else did she say?"

"She said something about tonight, she was very sorry and asked me to say sorry to the young master."

Of course, the former sentence was said by Shen Ning, but the latter sentence was added by Peng Junkai himself.

As long as he can make the master feel better, he can lie without blinking.

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