Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3897: Perfect man

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She likes to be in the limelight, to attract attention, especially to attract the eyes of men.

What if I haven't been to university? I haven't become a star by stepping on my talents and hard work.

Soon, I have to rely on my efforts to step into the sky!

However, Chen Mingli reminded her: "Xiao Yun, put on sunglasses, if your fans recognize you and surround us, it will be difficult to get out, but don't miss our plane."

Shen Ruyun was right when she thought about it. She took out a pair of big sunglasses, covered her half of her face, and fiddled with her long curly hair. She looked like a star on the airport show.

Shen Ning turned her eyes to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the airport. She was afraid that if she looked at the mother and daughter again, she would not help laughing.


Are these mothers and daughters looking too high on themselves?

They didn't look at it either. What people were paying attention to Shen Ruyun just now.

All men!

Each one's eyes were frivolous Meng Lang, and his eyes were staring at Shen Ruyun's bulging curve.

For fans, the pervert is almost the same!

Shen Ruyun was complacent.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion at the airport entrance.

Only the voice of Chen Mingli complaining sounded: "Look, see, what am I saying, let you wear sunglasses early, you don't listen, now is the trouble coming?"

She heard the commotion coming straight in her direction.

Shen Ruyun was also taken aback, busy looking at the past.

I saw a few tall figures in black suits crowded around a man and walked towards them.

The headed man is tall, and a hand-made Italian suit sets his figure perfectly, and the face is handsome enough to make the girls scream.

Shen Ruyun's breath stopped suddenly.

She took off her sunglasses and stared at the man with her eyes straight.

Handsome, so handsome!

The beautiful face is perfect without any flaws.

Shen Ruyun always thought that Bo Moyan was the best-looking man she had ever seen, but it was not until he saw this man that he knew that he was really a frog at the bottom of the well.

This man is as beautiful as the sun, dazzling.

Ten times more beautiful than all the little fresh meat she has seen together.

"Mom, this man is so handsome, he seems to be looking for me, yeah, would you say he is my fan, come to me to sign?"

Shen Ruyun was a little excited.

No, she was more than excited, she even sweated nervously, grabbed Chen Mingli's hand.

Chen Mingli's heart was pounding, nodding with brows and smiles.

"I look like, you see him coming straight at you, it must be your fan, Xiao Yun, or you will make an exception to sign him."

This man looks so good, with so many people around him, his identity must be extraordinary.

Thinking that his daughter had such a good fan, Chen Mingli was almost happy to have a snot.

It is a pity that the eldest daughter is about to marry the Bo family, otherwise this beautiful man is an excellent object.

However, the eldest daughter does not work, she still has a younger daughter.

Chen Mingli's mind moved quickly.

Shen Ruyun nodded while taking out the signature pen from the small bag, his eyes staring straight at the beautiful man, full of anticipation.

She remembered another thing and quickly told Chen Mingli:

"Mom, when I sign him later, you find a machine to take a picture for us, and then send it to the newspaper, maybe you can still make the headline tomorrow."

Chen Mingli hurriedly took out his mobile phone to prepare.

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