Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3899: A guilty look

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Fu Shaobei moved.

She also went to Beijing?

doing what?

It ’s not for that thin Mo Yan!

He glanced coldly at Peng Junkai. Although he didn't speak, Peng Junkai understood.

If you do not object, you agree.

He was secretly funny in his stomach, and there was still a serious expression on his face.

"I'm going to please immediately."

In the airport lobby, Shen Ning was behind Chen Mingli's mother and daughter, and was walking forward along the long flow of people, waiting for the ticket to be checked.

Suddenly, she heard a rush of footsteps coming straight to herself.

"Miss Shen!"

When she looked back, she saw Peng Junkai, and her heart jumped suddenly.

Putting her lips together, she looked at each other suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

Peng Junkai smiled and glanced at the ticket in her hand: "Miss Shen also goes to Beijing?"


"That's really a coincidence. My young master is also going to the capital, why not go together?" He sent the invitation naturally.


Shen Ning was speechless and glared at him.

This is a plane, a radish, a pit, but not a car, you can take a ride.

Seeing her doubts, Peng Junkai smiled and added another sentence.

"My young master has a private jet and will fly to Beijing one hour before the regular passenger plane."

private plane?

Really rich!

Shen Ning pursed her lips and said nothing.

Chen Mingli and Shen Ruyun had long raised their ears to listen to the two. When they heard this, the mother and daughter couldn't help but sigh in relief.

Who is this man's young master, actually owns a private jet.

This is not the point. The point is, why did his young master invite the dead girl to take his plane? Where did the dead girl know such a big man?

Chen Mingli and Shen Ruyun stared at Shen Ning's eyes, and they almost roasted her.

"Miss Shen, my young master very sincerely invites you to go with me, and I hope you will not refuse."

Peng Junkai is a personal elite, and Shen Ning's failure to speak means she is not happy.

Shen Ning still shook his head: "Thank you for your kindness, I have already bought a ticket."

Peng Junkai smiled and cared: "Miss Shen was not injured last time? My young master has always been worried that you will be frightened."

Hearing the words, Shen Ning's face suddenly turned red, and she couldn't help being guilty.

This assistant Peng, a ghost in the stomach!

Just like his master!

She vomited in her heart.

Because she understood why Peng Junkai had to say that sentence for no reason, that is, to remind herself deliberately that his young master saved himself and owed him an apology and a thank you.

One hundred in Shen Ning did not want to go.

But she looked up and saw Chen Mingli's mother and daughter staring at her eyes as if they wanted to eat themselves.

"Okay, then I confess and I will go with you."

She immediately changed her mind.

If they were to be with the mother and daughter again, they would drown her with spittle stars on the plane.

She didn't want to lose her ears even in a plane.

"Aunt Chen, a friend of mine invited me to go with me, and I will not go with you. I have the room number of the hotel over the capital. I will find it. Let's see you in Beijing."

After confessing with Chen Mingli, Shen Ning carried his small suitcase and followed Peng Junkai away.

Peng Junkai wanted to carry the suitcase for her, but she shook her head and refused.


Chen Mingli didn't respond for a while, and when she reacted and wanted to chase it in, Shen Ning had followed Peng Junkai into a special passage.

"This dead girl knows to hook wild men everywhere. If he is a man, he will go with him, and he is not afraid of being sold!" Chen Mingli scolded hatefully.

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