Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3906: Can't escape

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Shen Ning was unimpressed and smiled slightly: "If Assistant Peng refuses to say, then I have to say goodbye."

She turned and left.

Peng Junkai was busy chasing it.

"Miss Shen, you can't get out. The outposts will not let you leave. This is not a place where ordinary people can enter and leave casually."

Shen Ning stopped and stared back at him.

She knew that he was telling the truth.

But ... is this kidnapping!

"Assistant Peng, please send me to leave here immediately!" She lowered her face.

Peng Junkai showed embarrassment: "Miss Shen, you go to the room to take a rest first. When my young master comes, he will explain it to you."

Shen Ning bit his lower lip.

She knew she could not escape today.

And she also wanted to understand why Fu Shaobei sent herself here.

He used this almost kidnapping to control her freedom of movement.

Just want to get back his photos!

"Okay, I'll wait for him!" Shen Ning nodded.

She always wanted to find an opportunity to explain to him, but he didn't even show his face.

Since he will come soon, why should she wait for him?

Peng Junkai seemed relieved and smiled and sent her to the second floor and opened the door of a room.

"Miss Shen, please wait a moment in this room."

Shen Ning nodded and stepped in.

"Right, Miss Shen, if it's okay, please don't move around casually." Peng Junkai reminded carefully again.

Shen Ning would understand.

In fact, from the moment the car drove into the sentry post, she knew it was a Longtan tiger's den.

Is it possible for ordinary people to live here?

"Okay, I know." She nodded.

Peng Junkai breathed a sigh of relief again, smiled at her, and then took the door for her.

Shen Ning looked at the room a little. The room was not very large and it was warmly furnished.

A bed of rosewood is antique, reminding her of the original red sandalwood bed from small to large.

After flying for three hours, she barely closed her eyes, so she lay in bed.

The bed is old-fashioned, but the feeling of lying down is very soft. Originally, I just wanted to close my eyes and relax, but she fell asleep unconsciously.

What she didn't know was that in a room downstairs, seven or eight doctors were sitting, wearing snow-white coats, and some wearing military uniforms in white coats.

Everyone is a famous expert in Beijing.

But at this moment, their faces were dignified and they whispered while looking at the medical record in their hands.

The door opened suddenly and Peng Junkai walked in.

"Ask the experts, can the consultation result?" He asked politely.

Awkward expressions appeared on the faces of several experts.

They looked at the oldest one of them.

The expert was named Gu and named Gu Qingfeng. His medical skills are second to none in the capital, and they are highly respected by everyone.

Everyone respectfully calls him Gu Gu.

At this time, seeing everyone looking at themselves, Gu Lao coughed and had to open his mouth daringly:

"Xiao Peng, the old lady has a little trouble with this disease."

Peng Junkai raised his eyebrows and wondered: "Don't even some experts see it?"

Gu Qingfeng picked up the medical record in his hand and said to Peng Junkai: "This is the situation. We have done a very detailed and comprehensive examination for the old lady. The results of the examination show that all the indicators of the old lady are within the normal range This shows that the old lady ’s condition is not serious. The elderly old man ’s body organs will decline, so the old lady feels unwell. This symptom is not strange and belongs to the normal range. "

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