Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3924: Medical case

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"Dr. Luo, can I ask, who is sick?"

Shen Ning stopped him.

She could see that Luo Ziming's face was not very good, and her brows were always frowned.

Fang Xiaoru once asked Luo Ziming's experience, and then told her one by one.

She knew that Luo Ziming was a genius and prodigy in the medical field, and she had countless auras.

He is devoted to academic research, and there are countless cured patients.

What makes Luo Ziming feel annoyed and anxious, besides the patient's condition, Shen Ning could not think of other reasons.

So she was very curious, what disease could make Luo Ziming also stumped.

Luo Ziming stopped and looked at her.

He didn't want to answer, but he didn't know what he thought of, and said, "It's the old lady."

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but sigh.

I have thought of all the ways I can think of. The only thing he can help the old lady is the sleep problem.

After his massage, the old lady did fall asleep, but woke up after less than an hour.

He originally estimated that the old lady could sleep for two hours.

It can be seen that the old lady's condition is more serious than he thought, and her body is weaker.

"Old lady?"

Shen Ning wondered, "Who is the old lady?"

Luo Ziming shook his head, thoughtlessly speaking, and turned to go.

"Dr. Luo, can I ask the old lady what's wrong?" Shen Ning stopped him again.

Luo Ziming had already run out of patience.

He was not interested in telling the old lady about his illness, and left without speaking.

Shen Ning looked at his back, thinking, this old lady must be very sick.

After eating, she didn't go back to the room on the second floor immediately, but opened the door and went to the courtyard outside.

She likes that big garden.

It can be seen that some people have taken care of them and these vegetables are all alive.

Shen Ning did not go far, knowing that even if he left the yard, he could not leave Yulong Mountain.

She turned to the back yard again.

Unlike the previous one, the backyard was actually full of various flowers.

There is also a small pavilion.

Luo Ziming sat in the pavilion, with a thick book in front of him.

His lenses shone coldly.

Shen Ning smiled and walked in.

"Dr. Luo, it's a coincidence again." She greeted with a smile.

Luo Ziming didn't look up. He seemed to be thinking about a difficult problem. He didn't hear Shen Ning's words at all, nor did she pay attention to her approach.

Shen Ning's eyes fell on his books.

He is looking at a medical case.

Coincidentally, she also read this book.

It was just that when she was looking at it, she hadn't studied medicine or understood medical skills. She only watched it because she practiced memory.

The case Luo Ziming is turning over is that a patient has a continuous low fever, but the patient is unconscious because of the low fever. The treatment plan given later is cephalosporin infusion plus physical cooling.

Shen Ning just gave a slap and shook his head in disapproval.

"The symptoms are not permanent," she said.


Luo Ziming raised his head, and the eyes behind the lens looked at her with confusion.

"I said this method, cure the symptoms but not the root cause." Shen Ning said again, pointing to the case in his book.

Luo Ziming pushed his glasses and asked her, "Have you also studied medicine?"

Because those who can say this kind of things will not talk casually.

A surprise flashed across his face.

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