Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3931: Give her a step

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Shen Ning, however, had no intention of looking aside, and didn't care about the expression of others.

She was under the guidance of Gu Qingze, but she was the only disciple of Gu Qingze. With her talents and her talents to study medicine, she was not inferior to Gu Qingze in terms of medical skills.

And her medical skills have long reached the point of knowing her symptoms.

In fact, she doesn't need to check her pulse, but she can tell the old lady's condition to 70% to 80%. In addition, she has read the old lady's medical record, and she can know the old lady's physical condition.

But the old lady is getting older, her body may change at any time, and her complexion is not good, so she still breaks her pulse again and comes more securely.

After about two minutes, Shen Ning withdrew his hand.

She smiled at the old lady, showing her white and neat teeth.

"How?" The old lady asked.

She likes to see Shen Ning's smile, especially seeing the way she just gave herself a pulse. She is so young, she can reverse the pulse like an old Chinese medicine.

Haha, interesting.

Shen Ning smiled again and said to the old lady: "You are in good health, there is nothing wrong."

As soon as these words came out, a snorting sound suddenly sounded in the room.

Experts couldn't help but sneer from the nose.

If it were n’t for the old lady, they would scream and condense.

I've been pretending for a long time, but I can't see anything?

Even the old lady was not sick!

What a shame!

The old lady listened, but she was not angry, but patted Shen Ning's hand on the back with a kind face.

"Good boy, sit and talk with me."

She gave Shen Ning a step and did not pursue it.

"What's your name and where does it come from? I listen to your accent, it's not like a Beijinger."

The old lady really held Shen Ning's hand and pulled her home.

She made no secret of her curiosity about Shen Ning.

Because this was the first girl her grandson brought to her.

What is the meaning here is self-evident.

Fu Shaobei's expression was stiff. He knew that his grandmother had misunderstood. His lips moved, and he wanted to explain, but he didn't know what he thought of. He glanced at Luo Ziming next to him, and swallowed back the explanation that came to his mouth.

Shen Ning smiled and said: "Your ears are really spirited. I am not from Beijing, I am from City D."

"City D?" The old lady also smiled: "That's a very beautiful city. I've been there when I was young, but it's been many years ago. After so many years, the change in City D must have changed a lot. ? "

Shen Ning shook his head with a smile: "I was born in City D, I grew up in City D, but I don't think there is any change. Old lady, you have been to City D, can you remember that City D produces good tea?

"Tea?" The old lady thought for a while and shook her head: "I really don't remember this, I just remember the beautiful scenery there, the pleasant atmosphere ..."

She seemed to be caught in some kind of memory.

Shen Ning smiled and said: "Old lady, I brought some good tea from City D, would you like to cook it for you?"

The old lady didn't really want to drink any tea. Now she couldn't even drink a sip of water, but she couldn't bear to refuse to see Shen Ning's soft and sweet look.

She nodded gently and agreed.

"Alright, I haven't had tea for a long time."

She has never had tea since she slept well.

In the past, she was also very tea-loving, but after she became ill and started taking medicine, experts agreed that her body should not drink tea, so she had not had tea for nearly three months.

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