Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3934: No successor to TCM

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Peng Junkai even dare not show up.

He followed Fu Shaobei for the longest time, knowing that Fu Shaoping was usually indifferent.

But if he is really angry, it is what he looks like now.

Can freeze all around for three feet!

And looking around, Fu Shao can be so angry in this house, it's Shen Ning alone!

Hey, my grandma, how come you got Fu Shao?

Peng Junkai looked at Shen Ning, secretly crying in his heart.

He clearly remembered that Fu Shao came out of Miss Shen ’s room in the afternoon. Although he had the same face, as if others owed him debts, Peng Junkai still found that Fu Shaobei ’s eyebrows jumped, but jumped. With a faint smile.

The master is in a good mood.

Although the old lady's illness was like a big rock on the young master's heart, he could not laugh, but Peng Junkai knew that Miss Shen made the young master's mood less depressed.

This is a good sign!

I wanted to, but after a few blinks, the master's mood changed from sunny to cloudy, and it was about to rain.

Shen Ning entered the room and found that Peng Junkai had prepared a set of tea-making tools.

She looked at the people around.

"Excuse me, who is here to cook kung fu tea?" Her tone was very courteous.

This is mainly for the experts.

She knows that most people in the capital like to drink kung fu tea, especially these medical experts who are older and prefer to drink this kung fu tea ceremony.

Although she knows a little, compared with these experts, it is that the little witch sees the big witch and can't get on the table at all.

Shen Ning looked around the people around.

But the experts didn't say anything, as if they didn't hear it at all.

They thought: The little girl didn't know the heights of the sky, and wanted to be in the limelight in front of the old lady.

In case the old lady drank the tea, her condition became worse. She herself was a helper and would not be able to walk around.

So no one wants to make it.

Wu Sishu cleared his throat when he saw that everyone was silent, and said, "I can cook."

With his opening, everyone looked at him.

The experts were angry and puzzled.

What time is it, and what kind of bird are you running out of?

Is the old lady too long to live?

Wu Sishu saw the blaming eyes of everyone, but smiled, not explaining.

He is the only Chinese medicine doctor among the experts present. Usually, these Western medicine experts look down on him as an old Chinese medicine doctor. Every time he wants to express his opinion, everyone ignores it and does not take him seriously.

He did not deflate in front of the crowd.

However, he is not strange, who is now the decline of Chinese medicine, everyone despise Chinese medicine.

Young people go to learn Western medicine all over the world, and the Chinese medicine is incomprehensible.

He didn't even receive a student who studied Chinese medicine.

This often makes him lament that there is no successor of Chinese medicine. The ancestors passed on this skill for thousands of years. I am afraid that it will be lost soon.

So when he saw young people studying Chinese medicine, he felt as rare as seeing the scarecrows, and he even wanted to support him.

Luo Ziming will not say it. The arrogant man of heaven is the pride of Western medicine.

Although Wu Sishu is in Beijing, he has also heard of Luo Ziming's name.

Because the tutor in Luo Ziming University is his brother, he usually mentions the name of his proud disciple before him.

Luo Ziming knew Chinese medicine.

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