Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

And without injections or medicine, the little girl just massaged the old lady a few times and fed the old lady a small cup of tea. The old lady's condition changed quickly.

Still changing in a gratifying direction.

The experts are frustrated, envious, and suspicious.

Their look at Shen Ning became very complicated.

Still no one believed the old lady's illness and was really cured by her cup of tea.

The girl was just hitting by mistake, good luck.

This is the thought of each of them.

Because they don't understand this truth.

"Is this little girl really capable of healing? She said she could cure the old lady, and she looked at the old lady and was really cured by her. But the treatment for her is too simple, just to give the old lady a drink. After a cup of tea, this tea can also cure the disease? It ’s incredible! Why did the old lady drink her tea, why did n’t she vomit? What the **** is this? "

They wanted to break their scalp, and couldn't think of a reason.

Some people thought to themselves, "This girl gave the old lady a drink. It's not tea, but medicine?"

They picked up the tea pot brought by Shen Ning, poured out a little tea and put it in their palms, smelled it, and sent a little bit into their mouths to chew.

That's right, it's tea!

The most common green tea.

This made them puzzled.

Wu Sishu quickly grabbed the tea pot from the expert's hand and held it tightly in his hand like a baby.

He and these experts have the same idea, Shen Ning must have something strange in this tea, maybe it is a panacea.

It is herbal tea!

He had to take it back to study.

At this moment, the old lady suddenly coughed and glanced at the people around.

"You all go out."

Everyone looked at each other, thinking that the old lady was angry. Do you want to drive them away?

Shen Ning smiled slightly: "Let's go out first, the old lady wants to have a bowel movement."

It is said that everyone's face is red.

Yes, the old lady is already ventilated, and even fart has been released just now, and then she will have a bowel movement.

The old lady can't defecate in front of these experts?

This shows that the old lady's body is really getting better wow!

The experts hurriedly left the old lady's room, Wu Sishu also put down the tea-making tools, but clutching the small tea pot Shen Ning tightly, and left behind everyone.

They went back to the parlor downstairs.

Only for a moment, no one started talking.

Among the people present, only Wu Sishu was radiant and happy.

Western medicine experts are like eggplants beaten by frost. They grieve, and all faces have an incredible expression on their faces.

The old lady's condition improved, and it was originally a matter of joy, but they were not happy.

Because this happy event adds good things, it has nothing to do with them.

They had a headache for more than three months, and the problem was solved.

But no one can figure out how to solve it.

How does this make them happy?

What made them feel most frustrated and frustrated was that the illness that made them helpless was actually a young girl who was cured with a simple cup of tea.

This is simply hitting their faces in public!

Everyone felt that his face was dull and could not lift his head.

So no one said anything, like sitting on a needle felt.

They are waiting for news from the old lady.

The mood is very complicated.

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