Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3941: Taking the wrong medicine

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Once Wu Sishu wanted to understand the key to Shen Ning's healing of the old lady with tea, the admiration for Shen Ning continued to flow.

But Western medicine experts are still puzzled.

They wanted to ask, but they couldn't hold their faces.

After all, their attitude towards Wu Sishu was not friendly before, and he deliberately or unconsciously rejected him as the only Chinese medicine doctor.

Now let them ask Wu Sishu for advice, no one is embarrassed to open this mouth.

Luo Ziming had no such concerns at all.

There is no limit to learning, there is no realm to learning.

He never thought about what to divide between Chinese medicine and Western medicine, let alone have a portal.

"Shen Ning, can you please give me some doubts?" He opened his courtesy very politely and asked the question in his heart. "I want to know why a cup of tea can cure the old lady, and the old lady keeps water If rice does n’t enter, she will vomit even if she drinks water. Why did n’t she vomit after drinking your cup of tea? Is your tea different from ordinary tea? "

As soon as he finished asking, everyone's ears were raised.

Many people want to pat the thighs to praise Luo Ziming.

This guy is really a good person. All he wanted to ask was to make them puzzled.

Although Wu Sishu figured out Shen Ning's truth about using tea to cure diseases, there were still some things he couldn't figure out, so he also said: "Yeah, little girl, my old man doesn't understand it, so I would like to hear the details."

Shen Ning smiled slightly and said, "In fact, the old lady herself is not seriously ill. She has anorexia, she vomits food, drinks water and spit water, and has a weak stomach. But the reason she is this is not because of illness, but because of medicine."

"Because of the medicine?" Luo Ziming's expression was even more confused. "I've seen the old lady's medical record. They prescribed very gentle tonic to the old lady, and there was no irritating medicine."

The experts also felt very wronged. They gave the old lady medicine with caution.

Shen Ning gently shook his head and said, "It is because the old lady is older and the organs of the organs are declining, and can't bear any medicine."

After a pause, she said again: "I have seen the old lady's medical records. When the old lady first had vomiting, her stomach was not so weak. After taking the medicine to stop vomiting, she quickly stopped Vomiting. On the surface, this phenomenon is good, but it is precisely this anti-vomiting drug that suppresses the normal function of the old lady's stomach. It seems to be able to quickly stop vomiting, but it causes the normal function of the stomach. Some degree of destruction. "

After she finished speaking, everyone's expression became incredible.

Especially those Western medicine experts, all of whom wish to dig a hole in the ground.

Gu Qingfeng felt that his old face was hot, hiding in the crowd without saying a word.

The medicine to stop vomiting was exactly what he prescribes to the old lady. After taking the medicine, the old lady did stop vomiting.

So as soon as the old lady showed signs of vomiting, he gave the old lady this medicine.

He was still smug at the time, and now when Shen Ning said this, he suddenly realized that he was too rash to prescribe this medicine.

Luo Ziming nodded and said, "I understand, Chinese medicine is in charge of this kind of phenomenon called medicine poisoning, which is the side effect of medicines said in Western medicine."

Shen Ning said with a smile: "Yes, that's what it means. So I said, the old lady is no big deal, she is the function of the stomach is suppressed by the drug, so it loses its function, this will eat and spit food, drink water and spit water, It is not a true anorexia. The reason why the old lady is constipated is because the stomach function is destroyed. Traditional Chinese medicine says that the stomach is soil, the main acceptor, the main turbidity, when the stomach loses function, it can not turbid At that time, it will cause difficulty in bowel movements. After all, all the problems of the old lady are from the stomach, and her intestinal function is normal. "

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