Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3975: The difference is obvious

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The first three rows of the auction floor are VIP seats, and only the most distinguished guests who receive black invitations are eligible to sit there.

Shen Ning is the youngest of them.

She sat there, particularly striking.

Many people have noticed her, but no one knew her.

If Mrs. Bo comes, she is naturally eligible to sit in the VIP seat.

But Chen Mingli's mother and daughter received only ordinary invitations, and their seats were far behind.

This level difference is very obvious.

Originally Chen Mingli and Shen Ruyun were also complacent because they were able to enter such a high-level auction, but now they both feel inferior.

Especially when they saw Shen Ning sitting in the VIP seat, both eyes were red with jealousy.

"Mom, I really want to tear the face of the dead girl!" Shen Ruyun stared at Shen Ning, biting her teeth.

Chen Mingli thought too.

But she is more angry than Shen Ruyun.

"I'm in a hurry. She won't be proud for a long time. After the auction starts, you look at Mom's methods." She snorted in the nostril.

"But she is so far away from us, does your method work?"

This is a difficult problem.

Chen Mingli didn't expect this in advance, but she turned her eyes and quickly thought of an idea.

"Xiao Yun, you will be like this for a while ..." She put her lips to Shen Ruyun's ear and said a few words.

Shen Ruyun listened, turned angry, and smiled: "Mom, you are still smart."

"That is, I am your mother, can you do it without being smart?" Chen Mingli smiled proudly.


VIP seats.

Shen Ning did not expect that the black invitation Fu Shaobei gave her would actually let her sit here.

Not only the VIP seats, but also the first row.

The seat is comfortable, not to mention, very close to the auction stand in front, so you can see it clearly.

The people sitting in this row are all gorgeously dressed.

She only feels out of place, but her face is still calm and free from abnormalities and stage fright.

She originally thought that Fu Shaobei would sit beside her, but unexpectedly entered the auction house, Fu Shaobei seemed to disappear and disappeared.

She was taken to the seat by the staff.

This made her feel more comfortable.

She felt a fierce sight coming from behind, and turned her head slightly, glancing back.

Unsurprisingly, we saw Chen Mingli and Shen Ruyun.

Especially Shen Ruyun, her eyes staring straight at her, it looks like she ca n’t wait to eat her.

Shen Ning smiled slightly and turned back.

He was in the VIP seat, but the mother and daughter were sitting in the far back row.

Seeing their jealousy and hate, her mood became very good immediately.

Next, she waited for Chen Mingli's mother and daughter to perform.

Shen Ning glanced around again, slightly disappointed not to see the person she wanted to see.

Mrs. Bo did not come, and Bo Moyan did not appear.

Mrs. Bo will definitely be present at this auction, but it is not necessary to see Bo Moyan.

But Shen Ning didn't want to let this chance go.

Not long after she sat down, the waiter brought her red wine, Western-style snacks, and various fruits.

Very hearty.

This is the treatment that only the VIPs sitting in the VIP seat have.

She inadvertently ate two grapes, then took the wine glass and took a sip.

Suddenly, Shen Ruyun's voice rang abruptly.

"Ah, Xiao Ning, it turns out that you are sitting here, let me and Mom find one! The location is really good, so close to the front desk, there are so many delicious!

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