Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3991: I don't know gold inlaid jade

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Most of these celebrities are on the scene, sitting in the VIP seats.

There are choppy waves hidden among celebrities.

Everyone hopes to see that the lots they donate have a good price. If they are compared with other people's lots, they will lose face.

So they ca n’t just donate things for auction.

Everyone was wondering if the lot that was the highest auction tonight was donated by themselves.

Because of this, the auction is particularly exciting.

Chen Mingli and Shen Ruyun's mother and daughter were the first to see such a scene. When the first auction debuted in the much-anticipated eyes, the two men's hands were sweating with excitement.

But when Shen Ruyun saw the auction item, she was frustrated.

It was a long, black, unobtrusive strip of wood, but it was twenty centimeters long.

Looking left and right, and horizontally, it looks like an ordinary piece of wood.

"Mom, what is that, and a piece of broken wood is also put out for auction?"

Shen Ruyun was very disappointed and could not help whispering to complain with Chen Mingli.

She thought that there would be a lot of dazzling jewelry at the auction, so she looked forward to it.

Where did you know that such a humble thing came.

She couldn't understand it, and Chen Mingli didn't understand it.

"Maybe it's a burning stick." She lowered her voice very low.

She was afraid that others would hear the joke.

But if this stick is used to burn fire, it is too short.

But the venue was very quiet. Although her voice was low, she was still heard by the people nearby.

The man snorted from the nose.

"Where did the dumplings come from? I don't even know the paperweight, but I also burned fire sticks."

Chen Mingli's face turned red, embarrassed and embarrassed, and wished to find a place to get in.

Shen Ruyun also felt dull on her face and gave Chen Mingli a fierce glance.

"Mom, don't pretend if you don't understand, can you not speak?"

Chen Mingli had no choice but to close her mouth, gray, and dared not look up for a long time.

But she was whispering in her heart: "Paperweight? What kind of good thing is it, and it's a good idea to take it out for auction? Are all the people in this capital poor?

But she didn't dare to say it anyway.

Only the auctioneer on stage heard aloud: "This paperweight was donated by Mr. Dong Lao, a treasure he has collected for many years, and the starting price is one hundred thousand!"

One hundred thousand?

Chen Mingli's trembling, looked up in disbelief.

So, a piece of black paperweight that nobody wants is actually sold for 100,000?

People in Beijing are either stupid or crazy.

Even if they are crazy and stupid, they will not spend 100,000 yuan to buy such a useless thing!

Shen Ruyun just complained about her mother's shallow knowledge, but at the same time, she couldn't help but suck.

"My mother, a piece of paperweight actually sells 100,000 pieces. Is this made of gold?"

It must be gold!

A layer of black paint was intentionally applied.

Chen Mingli was just ridiculed by someone, and she felt palpitated. She hurriedly booed at her daughter and signaled her to talk less, so as not to say too much.

Shen Ruyun threw his tongue out and looked around his eyes.

Sure enough, some people were already talking about it, and it was this paperweight that came out.

"Lao Dong was really willing to donate all of his precious paperweights, and it only started at one hundred thousand, which is really cheap!"

Someone didn't know Mr. Dong, so he asked, "Who is Mr. Dong?"

The man squinted his eyes: "Old Dong doesn't know, are you still from Beijing? He is our most famous and most famous calligrapher and Chinese painter in contemporary China, both in the cultural and art worlds Status! "

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