Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4099: Crazy thoughts

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"Otherwise, I will eat you up!"

Fu Shaobei raised his head and held her face with both hands before kissing her, and kissed her lips deeply.

The scorching breath penetrated into her mouth, and his powerful and overbearing way of kissing made her breathless and unable to dodge.

And the clear breath from his whole body wrapped her tightly, and she felt that every minute and every inch of him was stained with his taste.

His palms were wide, and a slightly rough fingertip was drawn from her cheek to her neck, touching the tender skin, which was crisp and numb, making her soft and trembling involuntarily.

Out of fear, she began to struggle desperately, trying to break free of his shackles.

Her body hit the car horn, and there was a sharp and harsh horn sound.

Suddenly, she was too scared to move, and her heart hung high.

At this moment, she was afraid that someone would come and see the present scene.

"Don't do this, let me go ..." She murmured blurry words from her mouth.

Because the tip of his tongue never entangled her, she reminded her of the nightmare once again.

She closed her eyes, trembling all over her body, like a frightened lamb.

At this moment she looked particularly helpless.

A teardrop ran slowly from the corner of her eyes.

This is not weakness, but fear.

Fu Shaobei's tongue tasted the saltiness of tears, he was startled, and he looked up at her.

She actually cried?

She cried just because she kissed her, as for?

She didn't treat her like that, even hugging her, wouldn't it work? Cry too?

Fu Shaobei has no love experience. All his experiences are the ones seen in the book.

The book does not say that when you kiss your beloved girl, the other party will shed tears.

Then what should I do?

he does not know.

"Fu Shaobei, let's say it well. I cured the old lady. You won't be entangled with me in the future! You promised, why should you bully me again?

Shen Ning opened his eyes, his eyes were red, still moist, and his tone was angry and wronged.

He always does this, forcing himself to kiss himself again and again, she hates his kiss!

Because he kissed too fiercely just now, she was still panting and her **** were up and down.

But she was still hugged in his arms, the two were very close together, he could clearly feel the ups and downs of her every time, the full and soft place suddenly caused a strange appearance of his body.

A wave of heat rushed up from the lower abdomen.

Fu Shaobei suddenly had a crazy thought, he wanted to tear her clothes, want to crush her in his body, want to ...

He shivered shrewdly, afraid to think about it.


How can I have such a thought.

He shook his head and looked at the white face in front of him, which was flushed with anger and grievances, and his heart suddenly softened.

Looking down, he kissed her face softly again.

"I just kissed you, this is also called bullying?" With a smile in his voice, he was really cute when she saw her wronged, and couldn't help rubbing her short hair again.

The crazy thought flashed in his mind just now is really bullying.

With a smile in his eyes, her heart jumped again.

Shen Ning trembled in his heart, turning hard at the beginning, avoiding his gaze.

"You are bullying me, you are not talking." She was still wronged.

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