Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4121: acquaintance

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Chen Mingli motioned her daughter to hand the prepared gift to Mrs. Bo.

Mrs. Bo didn't look at it, let alone take it.

Shen Ruyun withdrew his hand in embarrassment and glanced at her mother for help.

She was not reconciled to go home like this.

Anyway, let her see Bo Bo.

Mrs. Bo said indifferently: "The old man is in poor health and cannot eat indiscriminately."

The implication is that they can't look at what they send.

Chen Mingli and Shen Ruyun suddenly blushed and were speechless in embarrassment.

Shen Ruyun turned her mother's eyes with annoyance: I really didn't have a brain, and I didn't want to think about what kind of precious supplements the Bo family lived in such a luxurious residence, and how rare would they bring this thing.

Mrs. Bo was too lazy to care about them, and directly told the nanny: "You will take them away for me."

After talking, she turned around and left.

Chen Mingli's mother and daughter were dumbfounded.

"Mrs. Bo, please stay a step, I have something to say."

Shen Ning suddenly made a noise, at the same time speeding up her pace, blocking in front of Mrs. Bo.

Mrs. Bo immediately became angry, raised her eyebrows, and stared at Shen Ning with a bad look.

"What do you want to say?" She said coldly.

Otherwise, because it was at Bo's house, and there were more than a dozen experts sitting in the living room, she would almost be angry on the spot.

This girl, who knew nothing about the sky and the earth, dared to stop her way. She did not look in the mirror to see who she was.

Shen Ning was completely unintentional, Mrs. Bo with an angry look, seriously asked: "Will the old man get sick, is it serious?"

Mrs. Bo ignored her, but Shen Ning stood in front of her, her eyes fixed on her firmly and persistently.

She weighed it in her heart and said lightly: "It's an old problem, thank you for your concern."

There was a deep satire in the tone.

Shen Ning knew that Mrs. Bo had misunderstood, and thought that she wanted to climb the high branch of the Bo family through the old man.

In fact, she only thought about the friendship between Grandpa Bo and her grandfather, and then she became interested in the condition of Grandpa.

But since Madam Bo didn't want to see herself, she couldn't catch up with sticking someone's cold **** with her hot face.

She stood next to her, pursed her lips and stopped talking.

"Mom Wu, drop off!"

Mrs. Bo has unabashedly disliked Shen Ning's disgust, and her eyes looked like nasty mosquitoes or flies.

Chen Mingli wanted to say more, Mrs. Bo had left without looking back.

She glared angrily angrily.

It's all this dead girl. If she irritated Mrs. Bo, she wouldn't chase them away so mercilessly.

The three of them followed the nanny Wu Ma and walked towards the door.

Shen Ning thoughtfully, as she passed the living room, she couldn't help raising her head and glanced in the direction of the stairs.


Bo Moyan did not appear.

Yeah, how could he be here, the old man is sick, he should stay in step.

"Xiao Shen, is this you?"

Suddenly, an old voice rang.

Shen Ning was familiar with the sound. Looking back, she knew.

"Old Wu, hello."

Wu Sishu was also a member of the expert group that was invited this time. He recognized Shen Ning when she first passed the living room, but the leader of the expert group was discussing the condition of the old man with them.

He got up from the sofa and walked towards Shen Ning, shaking her hand very enthusiastically and patting her shoulder again.

"Xiao Shen, are you also invited to treat the old man?"

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