Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4131: Don't be fooled by her

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Mrs. Bo was a hundred unwilling, and he coughed at this time: "Dad, it is not too late to mention this matter, it is still important for her to treat you first."

Mr. Bo snorted: "I'm talking with Xiao Ning, and it's your turn to talk!"

It was an impolite rebuke to her.

A little embarrassment flashed on Mrs. Bo's face, but she knew that the old man had this temperament, and when she wasn't pleasing to the eye, no one was upset, nor was she intentionally embarrassed.

It was just that she hated Shen Ning more and more.

Shen Ning quietly raised her eyes and looked at Bo Moyan.

Bo Moyan was standing on the other side of the bed, a pair of dark and deep eyes swept across her face without expression.

It's still the cold look that the stranger is not close to.

Her heart sank slightly.

It seems that today I have no chance to say anything to him. The priority now is to see the doctor.

Although the old man looked as usual, she could see that the old man was using great perseverance to endure the pain, she could not let the old man continue to suffer from the pain.

Shen Ning removed all private feelings from her mind and smiled gently at the old man: "Mrs. Bo is right. If you have anything to say later, I will give you a pulse first."

Facing Shen Ning, Bo's anger immediately disappeared.

"Okay." He nodded happily.

Originally, he only wanted to let Shen Ning treat his illness only for a while, not wanting to listen to the nonsense of those experts.

At this time, she knew her identity, and knew that she was the granddaughter of Kong Shenyi, and she had more confidence in her in vain.

People from the Confucius family can't beat medical skills, at least a hundred times stronger than those quack doctors who only want to saw his legs!

Even if he is cured, he is happy.

Shen Ning gently put three fingers on the old man's wrist, and then lowered her eyes slightly, calming her pulse.

The scene was silent.

Experts breathed out in their hearts.

The old man is partial!

They even do not believe what Shen Ning will see.

Because the old man ’s leg is traumatized and is an old disease, it is better to look at the x-rays taken by the Chinese medicine doctor to see what the door is. It is clear to see the old man ’s condition.

The mother and daughter Chen Mingli and Shen Ruyun were squeezed aside by the crowd, and no one ignored them. Even Mrs. Bo forgot to let them go.

They stayed in the corner of the room, and when no one noticed it, they lowered their voices and muttered.

"Mom, what should I do? If the dead girl healed the old man's leg, then I would never expect to marry Bo Bo again."

Shen Ruyun's eyes were reluctant to leave Bo Moyan. Although she could only see a back and back of Bo Moyan's standing position, all of them made her fall in love.

She feels that if she can't marry into thin words, she might as well die.

Chen Mingli clenched her hand and whispered: "No fear, the dead girl is succeeding, she thinks she is a fairy. Experts say they want to have an amputation, but she says she doesn't need to. Wait and see, if she cures After the old man, she still wants to marry Bo family? There are no doors, she will wait for a lifetime in prison. Then your chance will come. "

"But what if she is cured?" Shen Ruyun worriedly said.

"She has that ability?" Chen Mingli sneered and sneered. "When did she learn medicine? She studied psychology in college! She didn't even enter the medical department. She knows how Healing! It's just bluffing. If someone is cheated by her, you can't be bluffed by her? "

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