Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4153: Stop dreaming!

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what a shame!

Shen Qingshan was ashamed of his face, and he wished he could wake up this daydreaming daughter.

The young major concealed the contempt in his eyes and said to Shen Ning: "Miss Shen, let's go."

"it is good."

Shen Ningtou followed the young major to the elevator.

Until the two people took the elevator downstairs, after a long time, Shen Qingshan was like a dream, and he had not recovered from the shock.

"Xiao Ning, is she really good at medicine? Did Bo really get better? Am I wrong?"

He asked Chen Mingli, still unable to digest the great news.

My daughter obviously hasn't studied medicine, why did she become a magician at once?

It's incredible!

He was surprised and happy.

Chen Mingli's face was ugly and ugly. She was almost jealous of death, but her husband pulled her like a fool with a big baby to prove it.

What should she say? Exaggerate the dead girl?

She was afraid that she would spray each other as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Impossible!" She didn't answer Shen Qingshan's words, and she gritted her teeth in her heart: "It's impossible for the dead girl to cure the disease, and it's impossible to make Mr. Bo's condition better. All this is false ...

But her words couldn't even deceive herself.

If Mr. Bo didn't get better, would Mr. Bo come to pick up the girl?

How to do?

Her eyes were gray, and she felt that her daughter was getting farther and farther away from marrying the Bojia family.

No way!

Chen Mingli clenched her fists. She has never been an easy loser. She must let her daughter marry into the Bo family.

Since seeing the Bo family's beautiful villa like a fairyland on earth yesterday, she has strengthened this belief.

The door of the adjacent room was pulled open at once, and Shen Ruyun dressed up in a splendid manner and rushed out.

The excitement on his face suddenly turned into surprise when he saw the empty outside.

"Why, man? Where did you go? Didn't you pick me up? What about the young officer?" She was confused.

"Don't dream about it, the other majors are sent by Bo Gongzi to pick Xiao Ning to Bo Mansion.

Shen Qingshan did not have a good airway.

Now Shen Ruyun's status has plummeted in his mind.

Compared with Shen Ruyun, Shen Ning's daughter is 10 times more likely to marry the Bo family, no, 100 times!

Xiao Ning is equivalent to one foot has become the door of the Bo family.

Therefore, the mother and daughter Chen Mingli and Shen Ruyun have become worthless in her eyes, and will only give him a disgrace!


Shen Ruyun seemed to be hit by a stick, and the whole person was ignorant.

Shen Qingshan was too lazy to look at the daughter again, turned back to the room, and fell on the bed to continue his dream.


Shen Ning and the young major came out of the revolving door of the hotel and saw Bo Moyan at a glance.

He was wearing a straight military uniform and stood in front of an off-road vehicle with a military badge.

I don't know what he was thinking. Looking at the sky in the distance, he was silent and he didn't find them approaching.

His hair was dark and dense, trimmed very neatly, although short, it filled him with an amazingly handsome look.

As soon as Shen Ning saw him, his heart jumped uncontrollably.

Her breath froze, her eyes almost greedy on his face.

Like, it's too much!

A warm, familiar and hot current flowed into her heart. The warm current rushed to her eyes, and the tears filled her eyes instantly.

Mochuan, I finally found you!

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