Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4172: Two residues

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Shen Ning was also polite, and ordered a few dishes according to the most expensive ones in the recipe.

Shen Qingshan not only did not feel distressed, but was very happy.

My daughter is now more and more sensible and more and more atmospheric, and the order is like this ... extraordinary, so impressive.

The dishes were delivered quickly.

Shen Ning ate slowly.

The taste of this dish is not as good as the price, but compared with the few dishes of Fu Shaobei, it is simply delicious.

Shen Qingshan also ate a few bites, and finally couldn't help but ask her daughter about going to Bo's house.

He was very upset, afraid that his daughter would be angry.

Yesterday he was angry with this daughter, and he almost reached out to beat her. If he really did, he would be afraid of his intestines.

So he decided to bleed today, and asked his daughter to eat the expensive meal and express his apologies.

Of course, this is the second time to express my apologies. The main thing is to know whether my daughter has won Bo Bo and Bo Bo.

Shen Ningming knew what he wanted to know, but deliberately biased. She was talking about the situation when she gave Master Bo a massage. One by one, professional medical terms heard Shen Qingshan stunned.

But he nodded with an uncooperative smile: "Uh huh."

After listening to it, I didn't hear anything useful.

Shen Qingshan was depressed.

Shen Ning was very satisfied with a big meal, but Shen Qingshan had a flat stomach.

The two went downstairs and returned to their floor.

Standing at the door of the room where Shen Qingshan and Chen Mingli lived, Shen Ning deliberately raised his voice:

"Dad, the dishes in the restaurant on the top floor are really delicious. Can we go there tomorrow?"

"Yes, of course." Shen Qingshan patted her head pettingly. "As long as you like to eat, whatever you want to eat, Dad is happy."

"Thank you dad."

Shen Ning smiled shyly like a shy little daughter, which caused a burst of love and pity in Shen Qingshan's heart.

This daughter is so nice, sensible and scrupulous, coy and shy, and gives him a face outside. At home, she is as cute as a birdie. This is her daughter.

He also thought of Shen Ruyun and Shen Ruotong, one of these two daughters knew to buy and buy, and one knew Xuan Xuan Xuan.

Compared with Shen Ning, the clever and sensible daughter, it's just two scum!

"Will I go to treat the old man tomorrow?" He still did not give up and asked again.

Shen Ning nodded.

"Then you're going to rest, you have enough physical strength and energy to take a rest, don't be sloppy tomorrow," he urged.

"I know, Dad, then I'm going to bed."

Shen Ning waved at him and took out his room card into his room.

Shen Qingshan sent her with loving eyes, until she closed the door, he took out his room card, was preparing to swipe the card into the door, but the door opened from the inside.

Chen Mingli looked very uncomfortable, and asked with resentment: "Where have you been? Why did you come back so late? Do you know that I and Xiaoyun are waiting for you, and neither of us have eaten and have been hungry until now!"

Shen Qingshan pushed her away and said indifferently: "Is it? Then you can go out to eat, or order takeaway to return, I have already eaten."

Although the meal cost him two months' salary, he still felt it was worth nothing.

As long as the baby girl is happy, he can take his daughter to eat tomorrow.

Now, no matter how much he invests in his daughter, he doesn't feel distressed. Anyway, as soon as his daughter marries into the Bo family, his investment will definitely be rewarded hundreds of times!

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