Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4179: Master knife

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Does she really have such great tolerance?

But the facts tell them that this is true.

The old man wanted to hit the group of experts hard, but after listening to Shen Ning, he changed his mind.

He likes Shen Ning more and more.

She looks good, but it is not important. Her skill in medicine is not important. The rare thing is that she can get rid of others and others, and she does not miss the old evil. one in ten thousand!

He couldn't find a granddaughter-in-law who was more satisfied with her than holding a lantern.

"Okay, just listen to you."

Mr. Bo turned his head and said to the expert team leader: "Please come and check it for me."

No tantrum, no stare.

Although it is impossible to talk with Yan Yue, it is also a good face that experts have never seen before.

The team leader was immediately flattered.

"Yes, yes, old head, we will check it for you immediately."

The inspection equipment was already brought in, and even the team leader even arranged the hospital ward. He decided to personally perform the operation on the old man.

Unexpectedly, things did not go in the direction he wanted at all.

Experts are around the old man, measuring blood pressure, listening to heartbeat, listening to heartbeat, there are several experts checking the leg.

Although they are sure that the shrapnel is still inside, the leg of the old man can really walk.

The experts finished the inspection, and all had a sleepwalking expression on their faces.

The shrapnel obviously oppressed the nerve tissue. How did he restore his ability to walk?

Although the inspection was done, the results of the inspection made them more confused.

"Grandpa, your legs ..." The leader of the expert team saw everyone looking at him. After pondering for a long time, he couldn't find the right words to report to the grandpa.

If the old man ’s legs are all right, the shrapnel is still inside.

If it's not alright, the old man can walk again.

What is the situation?

He was really confused and he didn't dare to talk nonsense.

Shen Ning glanced at him and said: "Senior man, I said before that if you want to fully recover your leg, you must perform surgery to remove the shrapnel. Their diagnosis is not a mistake. If you insist on not taking the surgery to remove the shrapnel Then I can only cure you for a while, but the next attack will not be so easy to cure. "

Before the experts advised the old man to operate, the old man would rather not agree.

But now that he can walk, he has no doubts about Shen Ning.

This girl will not collude with experts to deceive yourself into surgery and saw off her own leg.

Thinking of this, Mr. Bo nodded happily.

"Okay, just listen to you and have the operation." He looked at the expert team leader: "You arrange the operation time, the sooner the better."

The expert team leader was shocked and happy, and he forgot to answer.

He never dreamed that the old man would agree to the operation so happily.

"Girl, will you have an operation, or how about you coming to give me the main knife?" Mr. Bo asked Shen Ning again.

Shen Ning smiled and said: "I am a Chinese medicine doctor. I am not good at using a knife or something. I recommend this expert team leader to you. He is experienced and the operation will be very successful."

The team leader was shocked again and looked gratefully at Shen Ning.

This girl really does not miss the old evil, and actually gave such a big credit to herself.

Retrieving shrapnel is just a very small operation, and it is not necessary for a surgical expert like him, but it is a great honor for every surgeon to be able to give the master Bo to personally operate the knife.

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