Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 817: Love brother, love sister

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In her words, there was a hint of humiliation, and Mo Chuan was both funny and angry.

"Okay, we are willing to go to the old man's house to eat, but we are afraid that the old man will be too troublesome." Shen Ning smiled and nodded to the old man, and he readily agreed.

"No trouble, no trouble, the two are willing to go to my cottage, but we are the guests we want."

The old man smiled and picked up two empty barrels, stepped on the afterglow of the setting sun, and walked leisurely to his home.

Mo Chuan took Shen Ning's hand and followed behind him, enjoying the view of the farmland under the dusk.

The old man's house was in a small farmyard not far from here. A white-haired old lady was feeding chickens in the yard. When she saw the three people walking into the house, she could not help but stay.

"Old lady, hurry up to prepare meals and entertain these two guests. This little brother is so kind. Seeing me can't pick water, he took the initiative to help me with water and poured all the crops in our family from the morning. I ’ve been busy until now, and I have n’t even thought of eating. "

Upon hearing this, the mother-in-law thanked Mo Chuan and Shen Ning, and then burrowed into the kitchen and started to fire a meal.

The old man led the two into the room and smiled: "Little brother and little girl don't have to be restrained. My house is simple and tight, but the room is clean. If the two are not in a hurry, they can stay here for a night. "

After hearing this, Mo Chuan couldn't help but move, looking at Shen Ning, to see what she meant.

Shen Ning said with a smile: "Thank you uncle, then I will live in a room with my mother-in-law tonight, let me ... my brother and the uncle live in one."

She said the words "my brother", gently and gently, glanced at Mo Chuan, the eye waves flow, making Mo Chuan's heart jump.

The old man smiled and shook his head: "Oh, little lady, I don't think you two are brothers and sisters. Please allow me to ask, are you two brothers and sisters who elope?"

Mo Chuan and Shen Ning were all blushing.

The old man chuckled and looked at the two's eyes very sympathetically.

"Little brother and little girl don't have to be shy. I thought my old lady and I were also young. Her father thought my family was poor and refused to marry her. So she followed me and escaped secretly. For decades, I am old, and her hair is also white. She followed me for decades of bitter life, and ate rough tea and light rice for decades, but we were very happy. What are you doing for? Want to elope? Look, brother, you don't seem to be from a poor family, this little girl like a flower, what do your father and mother think of him? "

He saw that Mo Chuan and Shen Ning both had outstanding looks, and their words were very different from those of the countrymen who farmed. Although Shen Ning was wearing an ordinary girl ’s clothes, her skin was white and tender like tofu just out of the water. Wealth is expensive, and Mo Chuan is also a handsome man.

So he had a great affection for both of them, and he wanted to fit them together.

Mo Chuan and Shen Ning smiled again, thinking that the story between us could not tell you the old man.

The old man saw that they did n’t speak. They said they were shy and did n’t ask much. They laughed: “I and the old woman both have ears on their backs, unless we speak loudly, or we ca n’t hear you, your two lovers think What do you whisper, speak your own words, just say it, huh? "

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