Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 832: I don't laugh, you continue

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"Mochuan, the wedding just now may be very rudimentary and ordinary in your eyes. There is no eye-catching or grand glory, but the moment I worship with you, I think that from now on, I am a husband and wife, and I am one. I am not playing, I am very serious and serious, I just want to be with you, I do n’t care about anything else! I do n’t feel wronged, you ... You ’re so stupid, why do you think I ’m playing? I ... Will I play with my lifelong happiness? I want to give myself to you completely, but you do n’t ...

She flattened her lips in grievance and blinked innocently with her big eyes.

A flower bloomed in Mo Chuan's heart, making him hardly believe his ears.

"Who says I don't! I certainly want it!"

He hugged her desperately and hugged him tightly, trembling: "Ninger, you bit me, bit me hard, I feel like I'm dreaming! Are you as serious as I am? In fact, from the time I paid my respects to you, I regarded you as my wife, but it was really wronging you, me, me ... "

His excitement was incoherent, and the wave of ecstasy had drowned him completely.

Shen Ning couldn't help but want to laugh. She bit her ear and whispered: "You are dreaming, fool."

Mo Chuan smiled, his eyes stretched out, and his beautiful eyes were curved.

"Okay, I'm dreaming, then I want you to accompany me to dream together and keep this beautiful dream going."

With her words, he no longer cares.

Yes, they have already been married and have been married, and now it is their cave flower candlestick, what else should he be worried about and what should he restrain?

Of course he has to do what the groom should do!

The temperature in the room was getting higher and higher. He and she began to sweat. Her blush was like peach blossoms in March. Her expression became more and more charming. He could see his heart beating faster and his mouth dry.

"Ning'er, are you ... are you hot?" He said with a trembling voice.

She seemed to know what he was going to do, her eyes dropped, and she nodded.

Although I had longed for this moment, she was still shy when it really came.

Especially thinking about what happened next, she was already so nervous that she would not move.

"Then I will undress you."

Mo Chuan was even more tense than her. When he had n’t undressed the girl ’s house in his life, when he reached out to untie her waistband, his fingers were trembling. Pulled into a knot.

He sweated out in a hurry, but the more anxious the more he could not get rid of it. At last he was annoyed and the internal force was pulled, and the thin piece of cloth finally broke.

"Bash!" She couldn't help laughing when she looked at him in a mess.

With a smile, she was less nervous, especially when she saw him getting nervous, she relaxed.

It turned out that he had no more experience than her!

"Don't laugh!" He glared at her threateningly, and her face was red with her smile. He was so nervous that she didn't know what to do, she still laughed at him!

"Good, I don't laugh, you continue."

She closed her mouth with a smile, lying on the bed lazily, watching the sweat in his head, studying her dress.

For the first time, he found that the girl's clothes were really complicated, especially the bride's wedding dress, which was so wrapped around him that he couldn't get started.

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