Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 840: Unlucky little four

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"Truth? Why should you tell him that he is telling the truth! He is young, but he is not small! He has been with the emperor since he was a child, he will not know what the emperor has! Bring Xiao Si to Ai's family, and Ai's family will cross-examine the emperor's whereabouts. Ai's family will not believe the dog's mouth even if he doesn't believe it! "

Empress Zhou got upset and waved her right hand, sweeping the teapots and teacups on the table together, breaking the ground.

"The empress dowager was angry, so the slave-maid sent someone to find Primary Four."

Su Jin looked terrified, knowing that Empress Zhou was really angry this time.

She hurried out to whisper, secretly squeezed cold sweat for Xiao Si, looking at the meaning of Empress Zhou, she wanted to serve Xiao Si's punishment!

P4, P4, don't blame the empress dowager, she can't find the emperor, so she has to take your breath away.

Alas, the emperor, the emperor, where have you been? It's been two days and two nights without people. Is it true that you really eloped with Miss Shen?

Su Jin went up and down in one heart, worried about herself.

She instructed the guards to look for Primary Four, and thought about it, and remembered that another person next to the emperor came, that is, the dark guard who came and went like the wind, and the dragon looked and disappeared.

Although she rarely sees him, she knows his name, he is extremely light, and has a skill that no one can match, that is, tracking!

It is said that no one in this world can escape his tracking. As long as the person is still alive, he will be able to find it.

But this chasing wind is like his name, coming and going without a trace, where should she go?

Su Jin is at a loss, and suddenly her eyes light up. A gray-haired old lady doctor walks into the gate of Shoukang Palace. It is Zhang Taiyi.

But what caught her attention was not Zhang Taiyi, but a young man in grey clothes who was behind him and helped him carry the medicine chest.

The young man in gray had an ordinary face, not tall or short, not fat or thin, and no one on the street would look at him more.

But Su Jin saw him just as he saw the baby falling from the sky, his eyes lit up quickly.

She accelerated her pace to meet the young man in gray, with a look of excitement.

"Are you chasing the wind?"

When she was in the East Campus, she once saw a catching wind, and she was not too impressed at the time. She remembered that he was wearing a gray tight-sleeved tights, an expressionless face, and this in front of him. Gray youths are very similar.

Chasing the wind for a moment, he certainly knew who Su Jin was, so he bowed slightly and nodded.

"Aunt Su Jin." He greeted him.

As the dark guard next to the emperor, although he had been in and out of the palace all day, he almost never showed up. None of the people in the palace he didn't recognize, but few people knew his plain face.

Su Jin is the most effective aunt around Empress Zhou. He is naturally impressed, but he has never dealt with her, nor has he said anything.

How do you know that as soon as he stepped into Shoukang Palace today, Su Jin actually called his name in one bit, but he was surprised, and then secretly vigilant, whether his face has appeared a bit more recently, actually even The people in the queen mother's palace also recognized themselves.

This is not a good thing!

As a dark guard, naturally, the less people are recognized as they are.

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