Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 843: Poke tiger ass

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When Su Jin finished, she removed Zhang Taiyi's medicine box from Zhuofeng, and she didn't look at it. She said to Zhang Taiyi:

"Mr. Zhang, the empress dowager has a terrible headache now. Go ahead and give the empress dowager two needles to let the empress dowager relax."

"Oh, good." Zhang Taiyi nodded again and again, glanced at Chasing the Wind, said nothing, and then followed Su Jin to Queen Zhou's palace.

He had the same spirit as Chasing Wind, and he knew that nothing would happen to the Emperor.

But he also knows that he is too old to help him. He can't help these young people. He just needs to make sure that the empress dowager and the emperor are not sick and disaster-free.

Chasing the wind stayed in the local area, watching Zhang Taiyi and Su Jin walk into Queen Zhou's dorm, he scratched his hair and felt very embarrassed.

Although the little boy has a lip in his mouth, he usually does not hurt him verbally, but both of them are close followers around the emperor. The relationship is really extraordinary. Four felt meat pain.

The punishment is waiting, how painful the board hits the ass!

But let him go to the emperor ...

Even if he gave him a hundred more courage, he would not dare to go!

He also wanted to keep this head on his neck to eat rice for a few more years.

"You let me go, let me go! I really don't know where the emperor is! Let me go!"

Suddenly, there were rapid footsteps outside the gate of Shoukang Palace, and some people shouted in their throats. The voice was sharp and thin, it was Primary Four.

Immediately afterwards, I saw several guards carrying the five-flowered big four and entered the palace gate. While struggling and shouting injustice, the four guards ignored them and took him like a wolf to the palace of the Empress Zhou. Go.

Xiao Si saw the chasing wind at a glance, like a drowning man caught a driftwood and was overjoyed.

"Catch the wind, save me quickly! What about the emperor?"

Chasing the wind could not help but frown, why did everyone ask the emperor when they saw him, and the emperor was not tied to his belt.

"I don't know where the emperor is," he said honestly.

Primary Four was anxious when he heard it and shouted, "You don't know who knows! Go find it if you don't know! Go and go quickly, go and find the emperor to save me! If the emperor doesn't show up again, I will have a small four She was killed by the queen mother! "

He was caught by several bodyguards, and he was tied into the palace without saying a word. He knew that something was wrong. The queen mother wanted to exhale herself.

"That ... that ..."

Chasing the wind is still hesitating. Of course, he doesn't want to kill Primary Four, but he still doesn't want to poke the tiger's ass.

"What this and that! Chasing the wind, for so many years, my fourth year is not thin for you? Do you have the heart to see me killed by the queen mother? Is it right? I am dead, you are happy, you are carved out of this wood pimple My head, if I did n’t help you, how many big things did the emperor break? You did n’t succeed enough, you lost more, you Barbara Barbara ... "

Seeing the chasing wind like this, Xiao Si really wished he could kick a few feet on his buttocks. Unfortunately, he was tied into a dumpling and could not move. The only thing he could move was his two mouths, so he yelled incessantly .

But before he could finish scolding, he was escorted away by the guards.

But he still did not feel relieved, twisting his neck to chase wind and finally howled: "Chasing wind, you can't save your life, you are not a man!"

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