Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 851: Talent first

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However, Su Jin felt that the smile on the emperor's face seemed somewhat unpredictable and she could not understand it.

"The Queen Mother, what's the big joy happening? You talk to the slave-maid, let the slave-maid also like it together."

Su Jin's incoherent words when she saw the empress dowager Zhou, she would ask herself to do this, and once she would do that.

"Oh, Ai's family is so happy. I forgot to tell you that the emperor is going to get married!" Empress Zhou grabbed Su Jin's hand and was overjoyed.

"The emperor wants to be married?" Su Jin suddenly froze and looked at the emperor again, wondering. The first thought was: The emperor would not annoy the queen mother, so she made up this lie to make the queen mother happy. Right?

It doesn't look like it.

Even if the emperor wants to make the queen mother happy, there is a way, he will never make a joke about this kind of thing.

So is it really?

But the emperor is married, who is the girl he is going to marry, will it not be Shen girl?

of course not!

She immediately denied her thoughts, the girl Shen has been married with Prince Dongqin, impossible!

Su Jin raised countless questions in his heart.

"Congratulations to the empress dowager, Hexi empress dowager, this is really great news, I don't know which emperor is going to marry?"

After Empress Zhou froze, she realized that she had forgotten this most important question.

"Emperor, do you have a favorite candidate?" She smiled at her son with a smile on her side, her eyes full of smiles that couldn't be concealed, as if she was ten years younger.

Mo Chuan shook his head slightly: "Children have no intentions, everything depends on the mother."

"Let the mourning family dominate?" Empress Zhou was shocked and happy. She couldn't believe it: "You mean, let the mourning family choose a queen for you?"

Mo Chuan said with a smile: "Children believe in the mother's vision, but children think that when a wife is married, the child is the queen of our Western Chu, and the appearance of this woman is not important, children. I hope she can be outstanding in virtue and broad-minded. It is best for her to be calm and calm like her mother, before she can be the leader of the palace. "

Empress Zhou nodded incessantly, agreeing: "It's still thoughtful for the emperor to think, good and good, only virtue first, appearance second, this queen's candidate, Ai's family has to consider carefully."

She began to count the famous talented women in Kyoto in her mind. For a time, she had more than a dozen candidates. She thought this was good, and that was not bad. But most of them only heard about their talents and did not see their true contents.

Although the emperor said that he didn't care about his appearance, after he was a nation, he couldn't be so ugly that he couldn't see others. Otherwise, where did Guowei survive?

What's more, she has seen the girl that the emperor likes first-class, and the whole Kyoto wants to pick someone who is more beautiful than the girl. I am afraid it is even more difficult. If the girl selected by the emperor is only virtuous And if there is no salt, how can the emperor be satisfied?

The more Empress Zhou loves her son, the more thoughtful she is for her son. The dozen celebrities in her heart are turning upside down and they are always undecided.

"Emperor, the mourning family wants to hold a garden party in the palace in two days, and invite our pro-greater ministers in Kyoto to visit the garden together. They may have talents or beautiful appearances. The emperor can personally choose which one he likes and marry. Which one, what do you think? This is about your lifelong event. It is always difficult for Ai to make the decision for you. It is always up to you to choose the one you like, so that the husband and wife can live in harmony and grow old. "

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