Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 854: Post-election conference

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After a paper break, Chu Shaoyang and Shen Ning became passers-by, and then Shen Ning remarried to Dong Qin. From then on, she and her son would never meet again.

Empress Zhou finally went to a heart attack.

But thinking of Shen Ning's looks and talents, she couldn't help feeling sorry for her son. Such a good girl actually married Dong Qin. The Prince Dong Qin was more blessed than her son!

Empress Zhou shook her head and left all her thoughts behind her head. There were still three days left before she could deploy well so as to choose a girl who was both talented and handsome for her son.


The emperor is about to be elected!

This news, like wings, spread throughout the streets and alleys of Kyoto overnight, triggering a boom in Kyoto.

And they also heard that three days after the imperial palace is going to hold a garden party, the talented girls in Kyoto will receive invitations, regardless of family background, as long as the girls have talent, they will have the opportunity to be invited to the palace.

This message made all the distinguished ladies and girls in the world resentful because they had many more powerful competitors, but they made the girls of the civilian people cheer. They had never dreamed that they had the opportunity to enter the palace. Now this opportunity is before them.

As long as you receive an invitation and enter the palace, you will have the opportunity to win the favor of the emperor. In case of getting into the eyes of the emperor, they will fly on the branch and change into a phoenix. From an ordinary civilian girl, she will become the queen empress of the mother. Too.

This is a beautiful thing that every girl dreams of!

In particular, they also heard that after the election, the emphasis was not on the appearance, so the girls who were not outstanding in appearance were all secretly overjoyed. In the past three days, they all put their hands on the paper, with a view to showing their talents in the garden party.

And those girls with beautiful faces are not discouraged. Although they are not serious, how can they only get into the eyes of the emperor? Is there any man in this world who does n’t like a beautiful face? They hurriedly made new clothes and created jewelry, hoping to attract the emperor's eyes with a beautiful appearance that day.

Overnight, all three places in Kyoto, such as the bookstore, the embroidery workshop and the jewelry pavilion, were all packed with young girls, who were thin and plump, dressed in red and green, and attracted the attention of countless people.

Everyone gathered around these young girls to discuss what they looked more beautiful, whose talents were higher, and who had hope to enter the main palace.


Three days later, all the girls who received the invitation arrived early outside the palace gate, and then the girls were sent into the Royal Garden by a soft car.

Regardless of their beauty and ugliness, all the young girls are dressed up in a flowery show and surrounded by pearls. For so many years, so many young girls have appeared in the palace for the first time, so that the eyes of the guards and eunuchs in the palace are not enough.

The girls walked in groups of two and three, strolling in the imperial garden, greeting each other with kind smiles, and greeting each other, but all of them were smiling, but their faces and hearts were not in harmony.

They only know that the emperor will choose one of them to be the queen today, but they do n’t know what way to choose. Everyone is uneasy in their hearts, and at the same time they are deeply hostile to the girls next to them. They want to talk from each other. Inside out, they want to conceal their own strength, intrigue each other, and have fun.

The girls were clearly divided into two groups.

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