Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Fortunately, I wasn't nearby at that time, otherwise I could not help but look at the excitement, and by the time I was driven out of the palace, I would definitely be indispensable to myself.

However, after this incident, all the girls became cautious, paying special attention to words and deeds, becoming cautious every step of the way, being cautious, lest any mistakes should fall into the eyes of the superior.

But even if they are careful, they will inevitably encounter unexpected actions.

Just when the girls were afraid they would make a mistake, they suddenly screamed.

"Ah, there are snakes! There are snakes!"

A housemaid in charge of cleaning in the garden pointed at the tree beside her and was shocked.

When the young girls nearby heard it, they exclaimed suddenly. They were usually spoiled, either chanting poems or writing lyrics, and the most feared thing was the cold and poisonous things like snakes.

When I heard a snake, some were scared to the ground, some were dumbfounded, some were shaking, some were screaming.

Seeing this scene, Empress Zhou showed her disappointment again.

She didn't say anything this time, just glanced at Su Jin, and Su Jin immediately understood what Empress Dowager meant.

"The Queen Mother, the slave-maid sent someone to drive them out, and none of them stayed."

She also despised these girls who lost their normality when they heard that there was a snake. They just heard people shouting that there was a snake, and even the shadow of the snake was not seen. Not worthy of being the queen queen of the future!

Su Jin glanced contemptuously at the group of girls, preparing to go down to order, and suddenly heard a young girl's voice rang.

"Don't panic, don't be afraid, as long as you don't shout and move, the snake will not actively attack you."

The voice was calm and clear, without panic and haste, and it had a calming effect.

The screaming girl stopped her breath almost immediately.

The eyes of Empress Zhou and Su Jin couldn't help but glanced at the sound.

I saw a girl wearing a pale green shirt turned away from them, standing in front of the lady who found the snake, and asked calmly, "Where is the snake? Let me catch it."

"In there ... in there ..." The maid pointed at the tree with her eyes closed.

With a thump, the green-haired girl smiled.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, it's not a snake at all, but a layer of snake skin. This snake is a good thing. It has extremely high medicinal value and can't be wasted."

After she finished speaking, she raised her toes and carefully removed the snake slough from the branch and handed it to the lady in the palace.

"This is something in the palace. I also asked my sister to send it to the Taichi Medical Bureau. I want to be able to use it."

The maid of the palace took it in a trembling manner, and found that it was really a snake skin that had fallen off. She couldn't help but blush with red ears, thanking the green-haired girl, and holding the snake off.

"The girl in the green shirt is a little funny, she is not surprised, and it is rare among women."

The Empress Zhou and Su Jin in the pavilion had a panoramic view of this scene. The Empress Zhou nodded slightly and praised the girl in green.

It's just that the girl in green always turned her back to the man in the pavilion, didn't look back, but couldn't see her appearance, let alone know her identity.

But look at her green clothes like willow, black hair like ink, slim waist, graceful figure, looking at the back is already very touching, her voice is crisp and soft, you can imagine without looking at the face, it must be one A beautiful girl with a beautiful face.

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