Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 859: Test and learn

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The girls walked in groups of three or five in the Royal Garden to admire the flowers, their moods became more and more relaxed, and their faces were filled with smiles.

This is exactly what the Queen Mother wanted.

Because people are most likely to show a true self only when they are relaxed, the advantages and disadvantages are obvious.

It has to be said that this empress dowager is very wonderful.

No matter how clever the girls are, and how to cover themselves up, how can they be as clever and clever as the Queen Mother last week?

The pavilion where Queen Mother Zhou and Mo Chuan are located is in a wonderful position. Although it can be seen from the heights, all the corners of the Royal Garden can be seen from the heights. See no one in the pavilion.

They could only see a cornice protruding from the top of the green tree, and no one could think that Empress Zhou and the emperor would watch their every move, say something in the dark.

As for the previous two acts, stepping on the skirt and the snake sloughing on the branches are all ways that the Queen Mother ordered people to arrange in advance to test the morality and behavior of the girls.

Although the method is a little weird, the effect is obvious. Where do the girls think, they will undoubtedly expose the inferior roots in their bones, and they will be eliminated at once.

This kind of similar examination method emerged endlessly, and then more than a dozen young girls were sent out of the palace.

The girls found that there were fewer and fewer companions in the garden, and many of them were intelligent and intelligent. They soon realized the inner mystery, and their words and deeds were extremely cautious.

After a round of secret elections, there were more than twenty girls remaining in the garden, which made Queen Zhou quite satisfied.

"Emperor, now all the girls in the garden have passed the test of mourning family, and want to have a good moral character. Then it is time to test their talents. It is also time for us to show up. Let's go.

Empress Zhou held Su Jin's hand and slowly stood up.

"My mother's whimsy, children admire."

Although Mo Chuan didn't say a word, he saw all the things happening in the Royal Garden clearly. He said it was sincere, because he can come up with these weird ways to test his moral character. The queen mother is alone.

"The mourning family has nothing to ask for, just to help you choose a good queen with all virtues and talents. Seeing your love and love, and the husband and wife, the mourning family is enough."

Empress Zhou gave Mo Yan a deep and meaningful look, and took Su Jin's hand out of the pavilion and down the rockery.

At this time, the girls had gathered in the Yixin Pavilion in the Royal Garden. They lined up in two rows and stood still.

Seeing the nose and the nose one by one, the atmosphere does not dare to come out.

Because they have received the notice, the emperor and the empress dowager will come here to test their talents, how can they not be nervous?

"The emperor is here!"

"The Queen Mother is here!"

With the eunuch's loud announcement, the girls immediately fell to the ground, and Yingying Orioles screamed in unison:

"Long live the emperor and live long, the empress dowager and the long live."

"Everyone is flat."

Empress Zhou smiled and raised her hand, motioning all the girls to get up.

Mo Chuan sat in the first seat, and Empress Zhou sat beside him.

The girls worshipped for nine weeks in accordance with the rules. Only then did they dare to stand up, but no one dared to look up.

They only dare to use the afterglow in the corner of their eyes to peek at the bright yellow figure sitting on the upper seat.

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