Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 884: The colder the hotter

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Mo Chuan's tone was relaxed with a hint of laughter.

The girl's face flushed more and more, and her pale skin revealed a faint blush, and Mo Chuan's heart jumped, and she couldn't help but bow her head.

"Well, don't make trouble." She covered his mouth with a smile and laughed like Yin Ling: "I'm so ugly, you can kiss it!"

"In my eyes, you will never be ugly."

He pulled her hand away, and her warm and eager lips fell firmly on her lips, holding her tightly.

Her arms were raised and wrapped around his neck. The two hugged and kissed tightly. Both hearts were immersed in the joy and sweetness of happiness, forgetting everything around them.

The air began to heat up.

Her body was soft and warm, her skin was fine and greasy, and a sweet scent of breath lingered on Mochuan's nose. He gradually began to hold it, his lips sliding down her long, white neck.

"No, Mochuan, itchy." She smiled and avoided his lips.

"Remember what I said? If you say no, I will kiss you once."

Mo Chuan hugged her and kissed her, always feeling too weak, so she strode over to the bed and put her on the bed, and her body also pressed up, but did not directly cover her, fearing that it would hurt her, kiss again She closed her lips with a protest that she didn't have time to export.

He closed his eyes and kissed her intently and affectionately.

His lips were soft and hot, warm and scorching, with a scorching heat straight into her heart.

Shen Ning's face was red and her ears were red, she gasped, and some could not bear his enthusiasm. She wanted to avoid him and let herself catch her breath, but he followed her like a shadow and did not let her go at all.

His kisses were getting hotter and hotter, and she jumped out of his heart, and her cheeks were hotter than the fire, but a feeling of numbness swept over her like a tide, making her intoxicated.

Her originally open eyes became blurred, looking at his clear face, pretty nose, and his dark, thick eyelashes ...

She was confused, thinking that Mo Chuan looked cold at ordinary times, but who can think of him, he is warm, like a fire, it can almost melt people, she is a flesh and can't bear it. His passion is like fire!

It ’s just a kiss now, he ’s so passionate, if he waits for the wedding night, will he turn into a beast and leave her with nothing to eat?

She suddenly shivered.

Mo Chuan kissed her drunk, feeling her tremor, letting go of her, and asking, "Ning'er, are you cold?"

His body was burning, his body was hot, and sweat beads were coming out of his forehead. He was terribly hot, but she was trembling.

He looked at her under his arms, her cheeks were red and red, because of his kisses, her lips became red and moist, the girl's shyness on her face was heart-pounding, and she was clearly as emotional as he was .

"No, I'm not cold." She shook her head, remembering the absurd thought she had just made, and her face was even redder.

"You blushed, tell me, what were you thinking when I kissed you, eh?"

His eyes seemed to be able to penetrate her thoughts, and she watched her panicked and closed her eyes.

"I ... I didn't think about anything."

"I didn't think of anything?" Mo Chuan's fingers gently stroked her face, stroking her full and ruddy lips.

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