Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 890: Wait for raw rice to cook

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"You don't need to say anything. Since you are worried that your mother will be sad when she knows the truth, then hide her first. As long as you don't tell, the mother will not ask, because the person she trusts most is Aunt Su Jin. . As for the red tape of three books and six rituals, I do n’t need them all. I will dedicate myself to all these etiquettes. I only need a simple and solemn wedding in three days! ”

Mo Chuan suddenly blinked at Su Jin, the light expression made Su Jin stunned.

In her life, she has never seen the emperor naughty like he is now, not even when he was a child. Since childhood, he has a serious face and always has a blank face and no expression.

But now the emperor is like a different person. Not only can he laugh, but the expression on his face has become vivid and rich.

Could it be that the girl named Shen Ning brought about all these changes?

Su Jin sighed, her heart had softened, but she still had some concerns.

"Emperor, the paper can't cover the fire after all, the slave-maid can help you hide for a while, but can this matter hide the queen mother from a lifetime? The queen mother needs to know the truth sooner or later."

"I did n’t plan to hide my mother ’s life for as long as I wanted to hide it for three days, when I became a relative with her, cooked rice and cooked rice, and waited for her bones in my belly, you said my mother After knowing the truth, will she force me to divorce my wife and give up her son? "

Mo Chuan looked at Shen Ning with a smile, his eyes moved from her face to her lower abdomen.

Shen Ning suddenly blushed and stomped, shouting: "Mochuan! You ..."

"How about me? Don't you want to help me give birth to a child after you are married to me, you don't want to spend a lifetime with me?" Mo Chuan stretched her arms around her, raised her chin, and couldn't help but kiss on her lips Go down.

This time, not only Shen Ning's face was flushed, but even Su Jin's face was hot, and his eyes didn't know where to look.

She found that the room was too small and too crowded, and there was no place for her to stay. If she stayed again, her heart would have jumped out of her cavity.

Su Jin panicked out of the hall and took the door for the two people who were hugging tightly together in the room, turned around and walked away quietly, and walked out of the palace door until she shot Patting his chest, the heat on his face subsided slowly.

It seems that there is no power in this world to separate those two people who are deeply in love.

Su Jin can't do it, she believes that even the queen mother can't do it.

In this case, why can't she fulfill them?

She had figured out the way to deal with it in her heart, and remembered the two people who hugged each other sweetly. She couldn't help but feel happy for them, and there was a faint smile on her lips.

"Queen Mother, the slave-servant you have ordered is already done, and the girl ’s family history has also been inquired clearly. Sure enough, the slave-servant is unfavorable, and she missed the eye. The girl is one of the civilian women you invited to enter the palace. Her family is in the east of Kyoto, and her family is very common, but she is hard-working and likes to study most ... "

Back at Shoukang Palace, Su Jin turned back the long-cherished lies to the Empress Zhou. She said that she was discreet, but she deliberately concealed Shen Ning's name.

Seeing Empress Zhou's full-faced smile, Su Jin's guilt felt a bit heavier.

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