Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 898: Wrong, wrong, wrong

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Princess Chang said seriously: "Princess Ben is not afraid of losing her head, nor is she joking with you, but I can't let Brother Huang go wrong like this!"

"The emperor's marriage is not a mistake?" Ye Tingxuan shook his head disapprovingly.

"He just did it wrong! My elder brother clearly liked Ning'er, but when Ning'er left, he married another person as a wife, and he was merciless and unjust! Also, he wanted to marry an ugly girl to be the queen, but he He obviously does n’t like the girl. If he does n’t like her, why would he marry her! Will he treat her well if he marries her? He certainly wo n’t! Even if the girl is ugly, she should n’t be so unfair. Treat! Does my elder brother think he can forget Ning'er when he is married? He can't do it at all! So this family matter is wrong from beginning to end, wrong wrong! I must prevent them from becoming married! I can't just watch Brother Huang has mistaken his life like this! "

As the elder princess said more and more excited, she grabbed Ye Tingxuan's hand, "Tingxuan, you must help me find a way to break them up and make this marriage impossible!"

Ye Tingxuan sighed. He took the princess's hand and patted the back of her hand as if comforting an excited child.

"I really can't do this thing, because this marriage was personally given by the empress dowager, and the girl was also picked by the empress dowager personally. I heard that although she is a civilian girl, she has poor looks and has Disabled, but talented, and loved by the Queen Mother, so the Queen Mother chose her as the Queen, not only the Queen Mother likes her, but also heard that the Emperor also ...

He glanced at the long princess before he could stop talking, and his white face suddenly flew a touch of red.

The princess became suspicious and asked, "What's wrong with my brother? He won't really like the ugly and lame girl?"

"Cough cough cough." Ye Tingxuan face flushed slightly, turned away a little embarrassed, avoiding the princess's aggressive sight.

"If you have anything that you want to say straight away, are you ready to suffocate me?" The princess stamped her foot and pulled Ye Tingxuan's face over.

Ye Tingxuan had no choice but to lower his eyes and whispered: "I heard that the emperor took the girl away on the spot, and then entered the dormitory, and never came out. Even today's early dynasty did not go up. It was said that the emperor was not close to female **** for such a long time, and once she moved her thoughts, she could not wait for three days, and she had given her a girl ... to ... to be pleased. "

Princess Chang heard her face flushed and stunned. She couldn't believe that the emperor who was so anxious in Ye Tingxuan's mouth was her emperor who had always been indifferent!

"Really darling ... fortunately?" She swallowed, and asked unsurely.

"This is a private matter of the royal family. How could I know that it was only in the early dynasty that the ministers were whispering, but they did not joke about the emperor's meaning, and they were all happy for the emperor." Ye Tingxuan said.

Princess Chang was completely dumbfounded. She frowned and thought for a while: "Then does my mother know about this? Will she stop?"

Ye Tingxuan couldn't help but touch her head: "The Queen Mother's joy is too late. Now she only fears that the emperor will regret it. She can't wait to make rice to cook mature rice earlier."

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