
Lu Chen looked at Chai Hongyu in confusion and couldn't recover for a while.

Am I her Tao?

What the hell?

Are there still people in this world who regard others as their righteousness? What kind of magical operation is this?

He did know that due to some unspeakable misunderstanding, Chai Hongyu had extraordinary respect and admiration for him, but no matter what, it was too exaggerated to treat him as the Taoist?

And it’s really weird to talk about this kind of thing!

Seek the truth, seek the truth.

If he was Chai Hongyu's master, wouldn't Chai Hongyu be pursuing him in this life?

Although he had died in society once before traveling through time, he did not have unnecessary fantasies and expectations in his mind, nor did he have any pink misunderstandings, but this was too easy to misunderstand, right?

But while he was in a daze, he didn't notice a rather crisp sound suddenly coming from beside him.


Jiang Chengwan’s fist is hard!

Although her face looked the same as usual, her eyes were just a bit colder than before. However, the small hands under the dragon robe were clenched suddenly, and somewhere in the majestic body began to fluctuate. She was obviously wearing a loose dragon robe. robe, but you can still vaguely see a slight up and down range.

Chai Hongyu's profound words suddenly made Jiang Chengwan and Lu Chen feel a little strange at the same time.


Lu Chen raised his hand and lightly scratched his temples.

"Miss Chai is serious. I'm just an ordinary person with a mortal body. I just followed my heart and did something I wanted to do. But I don't deserve such high praise from you, Miss Chai. In fact, I'm not as good as Miss Chai thinks." noble."

Jiang Chengwan took a deep breath, and then took over the conversation and said: "Lu Qing is being too modest, but Miss Chai, although you are expressing your admiration, I think it is better to limit some metaphors in moderation, otherwise if It would be bad if it causes unnecessary misunderstandings.”

Upon hearing this, Chai Hongyu shook her head.

"Your Majesty, Governor Lu, you have misunderstood."

She looked at Lu Chen with a smile and said slowly: "This is not a word of praise, nor is it a metaphor, but the little woman's heart."

After a pause, she added: "In other words, this is the meaning of this little woman's life."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chengwan's eyes when he looked at Chai Hongyu completely changed.

This woman is indeed dangerous!

Chai Hongyu seemed not to notice her cold eyes, the smile on her face did not shrink at all, and the gaze she stared at Lu Chen did not change at all.

Being stared at by her so closely, Lu Chen felt his scalp numb inexplicably.

But before he could say anything, Jiang Chengwan suddenly took a step forward, blocking his way with her overgrown body.

"Miss Chai."

There was a hint of depression in his voice.

"I wonder what your plans are in the future?"

After saying that, without waiting for Chai Hongyu to respond, she continued: "Although you have rebelled and conspired, Xuanji Guards have found out that the reason why the people of Tianlan Province rebelled was instigated by the evil leader Yu Jiuyuan. In addition to exploitation, the inaction of the imperial court and the corrupt nature of the local government, which preyed on the people, were also the main reasons. It can even be said that the imperial government was at fault in the first place, and the circumstances are excusable. Therefore, except for the evil thieves who took advantage of the situation to stir up the storm, the rest of the people waited. Everyone can be given a lighter sentence or even be pardoned without guilt at their own discretion."

"And if it hadn't been for Miss Chai who abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side, the imperial court would not have killed the main force of the Yu Jiuyuan rebel army so quickly and gradually quelled the rebellion in Tianlan Province. In addition, during the Chen Cang incident, you risked your life to clear Lu Qing's grievances. It’s a great achievement.”

She listed Chai Hongyu's achievements in detail, and directly gave her a small half of the credit for pacifying the Tianlan Province rebellion, making her the second greatest contributor after Lu Chen, who had the first credit.

"Miss Chai, I have seen everything you have done for the court. Lu Qing once said that the way to be a king is to make rewards and punishments clear. Merits must be rewarded, and deeds must be punished. Therefore, if Miss Chai, you want to serve the court, To serve and benefit the common people, I will never begrudge a high position."

After speaking, she clenched her fists and looked into Chai Hongyu's eyes.

The empress' intention to recruit was obvious, but Chai Hongyu shook her head again.

"Your Majesty's kindness is appreciated by the common people, but the generous salary of high-ranking officials is like a cloud to me, and the common people are self-aware. Whether it is running the army or managing politics, the common people have no talent, they just have brute force. Therefore, what the common people can do The only thing we can do is to help an unparalleled national warrior like Governor Lu who cares about the common people to look after the home and protect the courtyard, and to serve on the left and right to make every plan. The common people dare not think about anything else, lest they harm the country, the people, and harm the world."

While rejecting Jiang Chengwan, these words also indicated his intention.

There was no accident. She, Chai Hongyu, just wanted to follow Lu Chen.

Even if she is just a guard, even if she is already a powerful person in the Guiyi Realm who is only two steps away from becoming an immortal.

Jiang Chengwan frowned slightly, then turned his head and looked at Lu Chen.

"Lu Qing, Miss Chai said this...what do you think?"

I don’t want to see it!

Lu Chen raised his brows, his resistance almost written on his face.

Damn it, he is followed by a group of Xuanji guards every day. It is already very difficult for him to die. People who want to harm him can hardly find a chance. Gu Simiao and Fu Hua, the two top powerhouses of the Guiyi Realm, are still there from time to time. They came here to visit, and the road to becoming an immortal was almost cut off by them.

His path to immortality was already so difficult. If there was another personal guard in the Guiyi Realm, he would just go to sleep.

So he immediately said: "Your Majesty, I think what Miss Chai said is inappropriate."

Hearing this, Jiang Chengwan's eyes suddenly relaxed, while Chai Hongyu's expression tightened.

Jiang Chengwan said softly: "How to say?"

Lu Chen exhaled a breath and said slowly: "Your Majesty, there are only a handful of powerful people in the Guiyi Realm in our Great Xia Dynasty. Apart from the Eight Pillar Kingdoms that guard all directions, there are only those powerful families that have been passed down for thousands of years, as well as major sects. Among them, there are very few who are loyal to the people of the world, loyal to the court, and loyal to Your Majesty. Those who can be driven by Your Majesty are only Commander Fu and General Gu."

"The strong men of Guiyi Realm who are loyal to Daxia are the pillars of the imperial court. They should work for the benefit of the people, serve the imperial court, and be loyal to His Majesty, just like Commander Fu and General Gu. How can they stay in the acre of humble ministers? Three thirds of the land, wasting time?"

Although his strength is not as terrifying as that of a strong person in the Guiyi Realm, he has never been afraid of anyone in terms of his ability to talk, bury the hatchet, and find excuses to avoid trouble.

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Jiang Chengwan's eyes lit up slightly, and a touch of tenderness quietly flashed in her eyes as she looked at Lu Chen.

On the contrary, Chai Hongyu pursed her lips slightly.

"Governor Lu, I cannot agree with your words."

Apparently, she hasn't given up yet.

"In my opinion, Governor Lu, your safety is related to the well-being of all the people in the world, and there must be no mistakes. The more you do for the people, the more you offend those corrupt officials and evil gentry. One day, they will definitely try their best to I will try to harm you, and if anything happens to you, Governor Lu, the hope that the poor people in the world have finally seen will definitely be shattered, and those people will definitely come back."

"So, anyone can die, including me, but His Majesty and Governor Lu must not die. Your Majesty is surrounded by experts, masters of countless secret treasures, and protected by His Majesty the Holy King, so there is no danger, but Governor Lu is by your side. Although there are many masters, the strength of the enemies in the dark cannot be underestimated, and Governor Lu, your safety is not foolproof."

After hearing this, Jiang Chengwan's eyes, which had just brightened up, dimmed a little for a moment, and a tangled look gradually appeared on his face, obviously considering the possibility of Chai Hongyu's words.

Then she realized with some helplessness that unless Gu Simiao and Fu Hua were always with Lu Chen, he really couldn't be said to be absolutely safe.

After all, there will only be more and more people targeting Lu Chen, and their power will only become larger and stronger, and they will even attract those old monsters who are hidden in the world. Although the Xuanji Guard is very strong, there is only one He is a strong person in the Gui Yi Realm, and he is a new strong person who has just stepped into the Gui Yi Realm. Under Fu Hua, the deputy commander Zhu Yong is only in the Cave Void Realm.

A difference in realm is a world of difference.

What's more, it's impossible for Fu Hua to follow Lu Chen all day long, and Gu Simiao is in charge of the imperial army. Although she can trust these two women in terms of strength and loyalty, now is the time to employ people, and she cannot act as Lu Chen's bodyguard.

Not only that, these two people themselves are also a huge threat to her.

If it weren't for the fact that Lu Chen is an upright and true gentleman and doesn't like other people making small moves secretly, it makes it difficult for her to use some shameful means. Moreover, women like Xiao Yun are real heroes. Today's top talents must rely on them to govern the world. , otherwise she would have left Lu Chen alone.

In an instant, several thoughts flashed through Jiang Chengwan's mind.

The original joy in his eyes gradually faded.

Compared to his own little thoughts, Lu Chen's safety was obviously more important.

As for Chai Hongyu, a top expert in the Guiyi Realm with ancient bloodline, and a woman with the special ability to save someone's life at critical moments, who can advance, attack, retreat or defend, and who can also play a special role, no matter how you look at it, she is... It is the best choice to protect Lu Chen's personal bodyguard.

Realizing this, Jiang Chengwan's heart gradually wavered, and the look in his eyes towards Chai Hongyu gradually became complicated.

At this time, Chai Hongyu continued: "I am lucky enough to break through to the Guiyi Realm, and I can just serve Governor Lu without giving those thieves the slightest chance! As long as Governor Lu is in a high position and rules the world, the common people will always be able to If you can live a good life for one day and protect Governor Lu, you will protect the welfare of all people, and your merits are immeasurable!"

As soon as these words came out, Lu Chen couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

He instinctively looked at Jiang Chengwan beside him.

That look seemed to say: Your Majesty, please persuade her again!

Damn, such a good thug... ah, no, he is a talented person. The empress has already taken the initiative to recruit her just now. I guess she will not just watch her go to the Lu Mansion to be a useless guard, but will try every means to make this person It's only right for a stubborn woman to trick herself into the imperial court and work for Da Xia.

However, Jiang Chengwan was frowning at this time, with a pensive look on his face. Between his brows and eyes, you could faintly see a trace of entanglement, as if he was troubled by something and couldn't make a choice.

Seeing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but be speechless.

No, with such a big talent in front of you, why are you hesitating here? !

Quickly straighten the nerve in her mind and let her serve the imperial court!

This is a man of high righteousness who regards the common people of the world as his own responsibility!

But the nominal boss of the family did not express his position. As a minister, he could not remind me, so he could only say tactfully: "Miss Chai thinks too highly of me. I am really not as important as you say, Miss Chai. That's right." As the saying goes, the great road is impermanent and everything is natural. No one in this world is indispensable except Your Majesty. No matter who is missing from the world, the world will still be the same..."


Before Lu Chen finished speaking, Chai Hongyu said with determination:

"Your Majesty is indeed important, but Governor Lu, you are no less important to the people of the world than your Majesty! Therefore, your safety must not allow any mistakes, just like your Majesty cannot make any mistakes!"

After the words fell, Lu Chen couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

Is he as important as the emperor?

To actually compare him to the emperor, this... Normally, isn't it like putting him on the fire?

Such an outspoken Chai Hongyu, well done!

Then he quickly looked at Jiang Chengwan aside.

But the next second, he turned around with some disappointment.

The little empress didn't seem to hear it. Let alone anger or gloom, the expression on her face didn't change at all.

I don't know if she was distracted and didn't hear it, or if she really didn't care about Chai Hongyu's rebellious words.

"Miss Chai, I'm down here."

Since Jiang Chengwan was unreliable, Lu Chen could only rely on himself.

So he opened his mouth and wanted to try harder to persuade Chai Hongyu to give up this extremely dangerous idea for him.

However, just as he opened his mouth, Chai Hongyu's lips suddenly moved, and a secret sound transmission came into Jiang Chengwan's mind.

I don’t know what this message said. After just a moment, Jiang Chengwan raised his head, and his beautiful little face showed a trace of helplessness and determination.

"Lu Qing, don't say any more."

She clenched her fists and stared at Chai Hongyu in front of her.

"Everyone has their own ambitions, and I don't want to force Miss Chai to do something she doesn't want to do. Besides, what Miss Chai said makes sense. Neither I, nor the court, nor the people of the world can do without you, Lu Qing. "

Speaking of this, her tone gradually became extremely heavy.

"You are the key to Daxia moving towards a prosperous age!"

As soon as these words came out, Chai Hongyu raised the corners of her mouth again, beaming with joy, without any intention of hiding her inner thoughts.

But Lu Chen's complexion turned pale inexplicably.

"Your Majesty, this is not appropriate."

He moved his lips and his voice was a little unclear.

"Miss Chai Yunying is unmarried and is a prominent figure in the world, but Wei Chen is not yet married. The unmarried man and the unmarried woman spend their days in pairs. Wei Chen is not afraid of rumors, but what about Miss Chai's reputation? How will she get married in the future?"

Seeing that Lu Chen actually mentioned the word marriage, Jiang Chengwan's expression suddenly tightened.

Chai Hongyu's face turned slightly red.

However, she just shook her head for a moment, and then said to Lu Chen seriously: "Compared with all the people in the world, my lifelong events are insignificant. Therefore, reputation and other things are not important to me, otherwise I will not engage in rebellion against thieves."

Lu Chen: "."

You still remember that you were a rebel!


Jiang Chengwan said expressionlessly: "Let this be settled. From now on, Miss Chai will accompany Lu Qing as the Xuanji Guard Qianhu. I will order the token and robes to be sent later."

Seeing the empress' direct decision, Lu Chen suddenly felt like he wanted to cry without tears. (End of chapter)

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