
In the carriage that was speeding toward Xingping County, Lu Chen yawned out of boredom, and then leaned lazily on the extremely soft Yunjin couch.

“Spring is sleepy and autumn is debilitating, even practitioners cannot avoid it.”

Hearing this, Gu Simiao couldn't help but smile.

"So Huaiyu, do you also get sleepy during the day? I thought you were always energetic and tireless during the day."

Lu Chen shrugged.

"I'm used to being busy, but when I suddenly have some free time, I always feel a little uncomfortable."

As he spoke, he turned around, opened the car curtain on the side, and looked out the window at the rapidly retreating scene. The chaos in his mind suddenly disappeared.

Although this carriage given by the Empress looks ordinary, both its frame structure and the horses pulling it are extraordinary.

Not to mention other things, there are more than ten kinds of blast techniques recorded on the frame made of special materials, and its speed is naturally very fast.

Coupled with the major infrastructure construction in the Gyeonggi region in the first year of Yongchu, especially near the capital, as well as the simultaneous formulation of various management rules, the road traffic within 500 miles from the capital has become extremely developed, and the efficiency of vehicle and horse traffic is higher than before. It was more than ten times better, and it was no longer as bumpy and smooth as when he left the capital for Yuzhou a year ago.

Through the car window, Lu Chen saw the rush of traffic outside the window, and the scene of a bustling traffic suddenly came into view.

In the cool breeze of early spring, on the B-shaped road a little far away from the newly built road, whether they were pedestrians carrying large or small bags, or merchants and caravans driving ox carts and carriages, most people's faces showed a hint of hope for the future. Hope and yearning.

Over the past year, under the leadership of Lu Chen, the Ministry of Industry has been overloaded almost all year round, building various livelihood infrastructure projects. There is a huge demand for manpower near the capital. The population of the capital cannot meet the labor demand at all, so it can only spend money. Qian recruited manpower from surrounding areas.

Yes, recruitment, not conscription.

This is also a policy that Lu Chen insists on implementing. All craftsmen and laborers involved in the project are paid according to the established standards.

Today's capital is full of opportunities, even for ordinary people, and they can at least make ends meet.

Therefore, the expenditures of the Ministry of Industry last year were extremely exaggerated, and the expenditure applications of other ministries were all delayed. Except for necessary expenditures, most of the financial center last year was placed on the Ministry of Industry, which is why such brilliant results were achieved.

Today's capital city has shown great prosperity due to the political and economic central position of Imperial Capital and its extremely developed transportation.

If this trend continues, under the rule of the empress, Daxia is likely to surpass the rule of Renxuan at the beginning of the founding of Daxia and become a generation of saintly kings who will shine through the annals of history.

Due to a strange combination of circumstances, Lu Chen also became an unparalleled national scholar with outstanding political achievements.

He didn't feel much about this, after all, he was not famous, but when he saw the prosperous scene he had created with his own hands and the vitality on the faces of the people, he always felt a strange sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. .

He walked to and from work every day. Although he was close to Xuanjimen, more importantly, he wanted to see the people's livelihood in the capital.

Of course, you just want to give the enemy a chance to strike.

"By the way, Huaiyu..."

Gu Simiao seemed to suddenly remember something, and her tone of voice suddenly became serious.

"I heard that His Majesty intends to transfer you to the Ministry of Household Affairs as Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs in the next court. Do you have any plans or ideas?"

Hearing Gu Simiao suddenly talk about political affairs, Lu Chen suddenly became energetic.

I don't know when he started, but whenever someone talked to him about political affairs, he would become very interested and get into the mood instantly.


He pondered for a moment and quickly organized the words in his mind.

"To put it simply, let's start from the financial aspect and let the court's money bag play its real role."

Hearing this, Gu Simiao frowned inexplicably.

To be honest, as a warrior, she was not good at political affairs. Arranging troops and leading them in battles was her job. She had no interest in complicated government affairs.

But how can someone take the world as their own responsibility and focus solely on state affairs. If they know nothing about political affairs, they probably won’t even have a topic to talk about when getting along. So she has been studying Confucian classics this year, although her current political level is not as good as that in mainland China. Although Chen is a talented monster, he is not unable to get a word in.

The more in-depth the understanding is, the more complex the chain of interests of the Great Xia Empire is involved.

The Household Department is in charge of household registration and finance in Daxia.

This position is much more subtle than that of the Ministry of Works. After all, the Ministry of Works spends money, while the Ministry of Accounts is in charge of money.

Just the word "money" involves a lot of benefits.

And Lu Chen's plan was to hold the money bag firmly in his hands from the very beginning.

Wouldn't this cost people their lives?

Even a well-known celebrity like Wu Yue wouldn't dare to have such an idea, right?

Thinking of this, Gu Simiao instantly understood why the empress was willing to let go of her prejudice.

Indeed, when it comes to touching the fundamental interests of some people, Chai Hongyu alone and the 20,000 Xuanwu Guards left behind in the capital and the secretly protected Xuanji Guards may not be able to ensure that Lu Chen is foolproof. Cang Yue's Red Lin Guards were transferred back to strengthen the defense, so that she could truly feel at ease.

After a while, Gu Simiao took a deep breath and asked again: "Huaiyu, do you think the current household department has not played its true role?"

Lu Chen smiled.

"Wealth has the power to channel gods and demons. Everything in the world is inseparable from the word money. And the current household department, to put it harshly, is just a tool of these two words, not its master."

Hearing this, Gu Simiao suddenly became curious.

"How to say."

Lu Chen didn't explain too much, only gave a slightly mysterious sentence: "To others, money is money and wealth, but to the court, although it is also money, it is not just money."

Gu Simiao blinked, a little confused: "Is it money, but not money?"

Lu Chen let it slip this time.

"If you want to play the real role of the Ministry of Household Affairs, you must first understand the nature of money from the perspective of the imperial court. Otherwise, everything will be in vain if your identity is unclear."

Gu Simiao still didn't understand, but seeing that Lu Chen didn't seem to want to explain clearly, she didn't ask for an explanation anymore, but asked directly:

"Then, Huaiyu, what exactly do you want to do?"


Lu Chen supported his chin with one hand, organized his words a little, and then spoke slowly: "In terms of specific ideas, to put it simply, it is to solve the internal problems of the household department from the inside out, and then expand externally, just like a It’s the same as the Ministry of Works years ago.”

The understatement of the words "from the inside out" made Gu Simiao smell an unusual atmosphere.

Even with her political level, she could roughly guess that the problems within the Ministry of Household Affairs must be more complicated and more serious than those at the Ministry of Works.

It seems... there is going to be another bloody storm in the capital...

After all, this man seems to have never known how to write the words "compromise" and "compromise" since he first rose to prominence.


At this time, Lu Chen spoke again and added: "The Ministry of Revenue, as the court's purse, is in charge of the court's main source of income, but it relies too much on the meager income of the miserable people. This situation must be To change, at least, the court should have a stable and efficient source of income, otherwise, if one day the court has no money to use, our country, Daxia, will not be far away from chaos."

Hearing this, Gu Simiao couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Although she didn't know what Lu Chen's specific policy strategy was, she could clearly realize that Lu Chen had already embarked on a one-way road full of thorns.

There is definitely no turning back.

Either you cross the finish line or you fall down halfway.

She opened her mouth, subconsciously trying to persuade them to at least slow down a little, not to push those people towards the dead end so eagerly, at least to leave some room for relaxation, and to try slowly.

But when the words came to my lips, I couldn't say them out.

Because, she suddenly thought, regardless of whether the always staunch Lu Chen would listen to her, even if he did, would Lu Chen who had learned to give in still be Lu Chen?

Is this kind of goodwill that ruined him really goodwill?

During the battle between heaven and man, she fell completely silent.

She didn't speak, and Lu Chen didn't take the initiative to find a topic. Instead, he just closed his eyes and rested in front of her who was worried.

In this rare calm, time passed quickly, and before we knew it, the carriage arrived at the outskirts of Xingping County.

"Master, we have arrived in Xingping County."

The groom's rough voice sounded.

at the same time.

Luo Jing, Lu Mansion.

"What? Went to Xingping County?"

Empress Yongchu Jiang Chengwan, who had changed into casual clothes right after the morning court and came here non-stop, frowned and looked at the apologetic Luo Xiaoyu in front of her, a cold look gradually showing on her beautiful little face.

"And you're still traveling with Gu Simiao?"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Luo Xiaoyu always felt that when the supreme emperor was speaking, his cheeks seemed to move, which gave people an inexplicable feeling of gnashing his teeth.

She blinked in confusion, but still responded honestly: "Yes, Your Majesty."

After receiving a positive answer, Jiang Chengwan's brows furrowed deeper.


There was a crisp sound under the wide sleeves.

"When did they set off?"

"We set off almost two hours ago. We should be arriving in Xingping County soon."

Seeing Jiang Chengwan's bad expression, Luo Xiaoyu immediately said cautiously: "Does your Majesty have anything to do with your cousin?"

Jiang Chengwan shook his head.

"That's all, it's no big deal."

With that said, she turned her head and drove directly back to the palace.

That flat-mouthed look shows that he came in pleasure and returned in despair.

"Someone is coming."

As soon as he returned to Zichen Palace, Jiang Chengwan summoned the palace attendants.

"This slave is here to meet His Majesty."

Xiao Li stumbled in and knelt down with a respectful look on his face.

"What are your orders, Your Majesty?"

Jiang Chengwan wrote quickly, drafting a simple edict in a few strokes, and then threw it to Xiao Li with a flick of his hand.

"Go to the Communications Department immediately and ask them to immediately use the Thousand Miles of Communications to transmit my order to the Imperial Army."

"Yes! Your Majesty, I will do it now!"

Xiao Li responded crisply, turned around and left quickly.

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