Following the imperial edicts issued by the empress at the Great Court Meeting, the court completed a major change of blood in just one month. So-called celebrities with empty reputations such as Qian Yiqian, Zhao Bingliang and other so-called celebrities were directly kicked out of the court. Yan Song's People were also kicked out directly.

Xuanjiwei has long had evidence of these people committing crimes, taking bribes, and forming cliques for personal gain. There will basically be no problem in driving these people away.

In fact, there are very few people in high positions who can be as clean as a white lotus like Lu Chen. It is normal to be covered in shit. If Xuanji Guard really wants to investigate, he can always find out the problem, even if it is not fatal. Getting it done is easy.

Moreover, no one can be defeated by those whom the emperor wants to use, and no one can protect those who are not used by the emperor.

She did not launch an attack before, just because the empress wanted to stabilize the situation. Now that the Gyeonggi, northwest, south-central, and northern and northeastern Daxia areas with great war potential are all under control, she naturally has the desire to turn the tables. Capital.

Although the risk is not small, it is not completely impossible. Whether it can be done depends on whether the three governors she personally appointed can resist the counterattack.

The situation in the capital was changing rapidly, and amidst this turbulent situation, the plan Lu Chen had proposed in Xingping was also being carried out in an orderly manner under Xiao Yun's organization.

As time went by, a large number of spiritual stones were collected by the imperial court. Coupled with the confiscation of homes during this period and the seizure of family property that the five major princes could not take away, the spiritual stones in the Ministry of Industry's treasury were piled up into several piles. mountains,

Immediately afterwards, these spiritual stones were shipped to Xingping in large quantities and used to build large-scale spirit gathering arrays. They frantically provided pure and incomparable source spiritual energy to blood epidemic patients after surgery, constantly turning them into half-cultivations with spiritual power.

At the same time, Lu Chen proposed many epidemic prevention methods before leaving Xingping, such as wearing a special spiritual mask to isolate the source of all diseases in the air, which directly blocked the spread of the epidemic spirit from the source, and the effect was remarkable.

Through surgery and effective preventive measures, the blood epidemic was finally completely controlled, and gradually declined, until the threat was completely eliminated.

After the blood epidemic was passed without any danger, the gratitude and respect of nearly 30,000 people in Xingping County for Lu Chen reached its peak. They all rushed to help Lu Chen in the center of Xingping. A temple was built in a certain area. On the day of its completion, the temple was overcrowded and there was an endless stream of people.

After the imperial court intentionally sent word to Xingping County that Lu Chen was recruiting troops to form a new army, most of the sick young men who were a blessing in disguise flocked to the recruitment office.

The strength of half-cultivators with the power of the Holy Spirit far exceeds that of ordinary soldiers. Even the elites of the Forbidden Army are no match for them in terms of individual soldier quality. Therefore, all the young men and women from Xingping County who signed up passed the selection.

Lu Chen finally screened out some of the only sons in the family, leaving only 15,000 people, plus 15,000 elite soldiers selected from the Qingning Guard, Warrior Camp, Imperial Guard, and Can Ling Guard, and finally established the A full guard army totaling 30,000 people was formed.

The commander was naturally Lu Chen, who firmly held the military power in his hands. However, since he mainly focused on government affairs, the actual managers of this highly potential Guard Army were actually two commanding colleagues.

One of them is Lin Yi, who has been promoted by Lu Chen last year and has shown extraordinary talents since joining the official position. He is in charge of the internal affairs of the army; and the other is a former deputy general of the Forbidden Army who stood out from the selection due to his extremely strong strength. Cang Yue is in charge of military affairs such as drills and actual combat exercises.

He was quite surprised that Cang Yue gave up her position as the third-in-command of the Forbidden Army and came to the New Army to participate in the selection.

He knew that this girl was the former left commander of the Cang Ling Army and Gu Simiao's right-hand man. She was born as a civilian. She joined the army at the age of seventeen and guarded Huangzhou for seven years. She was good at surprise attacks and liked to use offense instead of defense. She repeatedly performed extraordinary feats while guarding the border. , second only to Gu Simiao, and stronger than Xuanfeng, the right commander.

If his foundation were not too weak, a knighthood would probably be enough.

However, he and this girl were not acquaintances. They had not even exchanged a word. They did not know each other at all, and he did not know that she had bet her future on Mao to follow him.

According to Cang Yue, she came here to fight for wealth. The Forbidden Army was too comfortable. Even if the turmoil was very likely to come this time, they might not be able to encounter war. The general's main purpose was to deter the two people in the north. Holy King, if you want to earn military merit, it is best to join the New Army.

After hearing what he said, Lu Chen didn't think much more about it.

Just assume that she is eager to achieve success so that she can become her husband's shadow in the future.

Anyway, it is a good thing for him that she is willing to join the New Army. This girl is second only to Gu Simiao in the Can Ling Army. Whether it is going on expeditions or in charge of logistics, her level is extremely high and she has extremely rich experience. , a proper general.

No amount of talent like this is too much for him.

When the new army was fully recruited and all the candidates to go to Yuzhou were gathered, Lu Chen finally led an army of 60,000 and set foot on the official road to Yuzhou.

On the day the army marched out, Jiang Chengwan stood on the tower of Nanhua Gate with her hands behind her back, watching Lu Chen's figure go away. Only when she was completely out of sight did she slowly loosen her tightly clasped hands.

"His Majesty."

Xiao Yun on the side said softly: "Since you came here specially, why didn't you go downstairs just now and personally see Mr. Lu off the capital."

Jiang Chengwan glanced at her and said calmly: "Because, I'm worried that I can't help but leave Lu Qing in the capital."

After saying that, without waiting for Xiao Yun to respond, she turned around and said loudly:

"Get off and go back to the palace."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Xiao Lizi responded loudly, and then the emperor's guard of honor moved into action, and he and Long Chu walked in the opposite direction of Ziji City.

Looking at Long Chu's receding figure, Xiao Yun couldn't help but smile bitterly and murmured: "Is that really the case?"

"Huaiyu, you are really guilty."

As she spoke, she subconsciously raised her hand and gently covered her chest, as if she was enduring something.

After a moment, her expression returned to normal.

Then she turned her head inexplicably and looked in the direction of Dongcheng, "Huaiyu is not in the capital, the general went north to Yanji, Commander Fu and Miss Chai both went to Yuzhou, and His Royal Highness the Holy King went south to fight against the rebellion. All the top combat forces left the capital. This may be a good opportunity for some people.”

"For example"

When she said this, her eyes suddenly focused, and her sharp eyes seemed to be able to see through all the fog, and see the most luxurious mansion in the East City - Xiao Mansion, a hundred miles away.

"Miss, please stay."

On the way back to Xicheng, a rather familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

Xiao Yun stopped and looked at the person.

"It's you, Uncle Zhong."

But she saw a man dressed as a butler slowly walking up to her and bowing.

"This old slave has met the eldest lady."

Xiao Yun said calmly: "If you don't serve the old man at home, why are you here looking for me?"

The old butler, who was called Uncle Zhong, handed over his hand and said: "To the eldest lady, I have been missing you recently, so I sent this old slave to ask the eldest lady to come back to the house to talk."

As the eldest daughter of the Xiao family, one of the top wealthy families in the capital, Xiao Yun has basically lived in the Xicheng area, near where Lu Chen lived before, since she became an official. She rarely returns to the Xiao Mansion.

Basically everyone in the capital knows about this matter, and some of them know what happened to Xiao Yun and the Xiao family.

Uncle Zhong's reason is barely acceptable, at least it won't fall into the trap of others.


Xiao Yun raised her eyes slightly and looked at Uncle Zhong.

After thinking for a while, she nodded slightly and said calmly: "Okay, I will go back to Xiao Mansion tonight."

Uncle Zhong bowed again.

"In this case, I will go back and prepare the dinner to welcome the young lady back home."

Xiao Yun waved her hand towards him: "Well, go ahead."

"Old slave, please retire."

Uncle Zhong responded, slowly stepped back a few steps, then turned around and walked towards the east city.

After he left, Xiao Yun narrowed her eyes inexplicably.

"You can't help it so quickly? Hehe... It seems that he has been silent for too long, and Jingji has become restless."


There is an undercurrent surging in the capital, but Yuzhou, thousands of miles away, is peaceful.

Lu Chen rode the divine horse given by the empress and walked on the official road of Yuzhou, looking at the vibrant scenes along the way with great interest.

Everywhere you look, there are green rice fields, farmers working in the fields, happy smiles on their faces, neat farmhouses in the villages, carefree children playing, and the first time I came to Yu in my memory. The desolation and desolation seen in the state formed a sharp contrast.

He couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

"Fang Yu and the others have done a good job. Under their governance, Yuzhou has completely changed. I can hardly recognize it."

Fu Hua on the side smiled and said: "In the final analysis, this is all your contribution to Huaiyu. When he was in Yuzhou, if Huaiyu hadn't personally taught them the way of government and let them know that not only the way of sages can benefit the place, , their so-called trails can also bring blessings to the people."

"Otherwise, how could these warriors, who originally only knew how to fight and kill, achieve such great results in such a short period of time, and their political achievements attract the attention of all provinces, states, and counties around the world?"

Chai Hongyu also continued: "Commander Fu is right. Although the governor did not stay in Yuzhou for a long time, Yuzhou is what it is today. It is all thanks to the foundation laid by the governor. Fang Yu and other disciples will inherit your government. This is how everything here appears to be prosperous.”

They were all witnesses of what happened in Yuzhou, and they knew very well how much Lu Chen had paid for Yuzhou.

However, when he heard what they said, Lu Chen couldn't help but blush.

Teach Fang Yu or something...

Although he had wanted to do something for the people of Yuzhou at that time, how could he, who was just a young boy at that time, think about the problem in such a long-term way? Besides, he had no idea at that time that Fang Yu and the others were all political geniuses.

They are either proficient in business, animal husbandry, or water conservancy. Each one of them does not look like a powerful warrior at all, but more like an entrepreneur, agriculturist, or engineer. They are a public-private partnership, a contract system, and It’s the postpartum care of sows.

Relying on these so-called heretics and some of the political foundations he taught on a whim, they actually allowed the counties in Yuzhou to fully develop, and even directly became a major tax province for the imperial court.

Just outrageous.

What does it mean to plant flowers intentionally but not bloom, but to plant willows unintentionally to create shade?

This is!

At first, Lu Chen only wanted to make the people live as easy as possible. The bigger reason for using Fang Yu and the others was to expect them to cause trouble and give him a bad reputation. This was his original intention.

The result...these people came into contact with government affairs, and it was as if they had opened up the two channels of Ren and Governor. One was more powerful than the other. Liyue was not good at politics, but even so, he was much better than many county magistrates, and they were all his disciples. This credit naturally goes to him.

The kind that can't be pushed away.

Since this was not his original intention, Lu Chen felt ashamed of the two people's praise. However, he could not explain this matter clearly. He could not tell the truth and could only let it go.

In the end, he could only be humble and put the topic aside.

The three chatted along the way, and time passed quickly.

At midnight, they saw the outline of Yuzhou City.

"Huh? That is..."

At this time, Fu Hua suddenly discovered something, opened her eyes slightly, and used the power of the Holy Spirit to strengthen her five senses and quickly see the things in the distance. Seeing this, Chai Hongyu on the side also subconsciously strengthened her perception to the maximum, and at the same time used the power of the Holy Spirit to observe the place where Fu Hua was looking.

After a moment, she also flashed a look of surprise and joy on her face like Fu Hua.

Lu Chen naturally didn't have the same ability as them, so he asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Fu Ya shook her head and chuckled, "Nothing happened, I just saw some incredible scenes and was a little distracted."

Hearing this, Lu Chen subconsciously asked, "Incredible scenes? What are those?"

Fu Ya smiled mysteriously, "We'll know when we get there, anyway... this is a good thing."

Seeing that she was keeping it a secret, Lu Chen immediately stopped asking.

Fu Ya wanted to leave a surprise, so let her keep it, anyway, we'll know everything when we get there.

While the three of them were chatting, they didn't notice that among the civil and military officials behind them, Cang Yue looked at them chatting enthusiastically, and couldn't help but reveal a hint of envy in his eyes.

The regular army marched very fast, and soon the entire army arrived at a location very close to Wuli Pavilion on the outskirts of Yuzhou.

Just as everyone was about to enter the city, Lu Chen suddenly realized what was going on with the inexplicable smiles on Fu Hua and Chai Hongyu's faces just now-

"Welcome to the Governor!!!"

Just as they arrived at Wuli Pavilion, a uniform shouting sounded not far away.

Looking carefully, there were hundreds of figures dressed as ordinary people. The moment Lu Chen appeared in their sight, almost all the people knelt down and kowtowed heavily to where Lu Chen was.

Looking at this shocking scene in front of him, Lu Chen was stunned for a moment.


He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

"Let's go, Huaiyu."

Fu Hua on the side said softly: "You are an official outside the capital, and you are welcomed by the people. This is the honor you deserve. Accept the people's kindness."

Lu Chen glanced at her, and after a moment, he nodded gently. (End of this chapter)

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