Bei Chen Han was dressed in a black robe, walking on the road with his hands behind his back, his angular face was expressionless, his meager lips were pursed tightly, like a repressed wild beast, constantly emitting a cold aura.

Su Nuo's entire body was buried, and she didn't even dare to breathe too loudly. She wanted to see her master, but she did not want him to be angry at her for seeing her.

Bei Chenghan did not go to the main room, but walked straight into the west room.

Su Nuo slightly raised her head just in time to see Xue Rou smiling as she walked out to welcome Bei Chen Han. Su Nuo smiled, no matter what, she had to be glad, when her master was in a bad mood, there was still a Xue Rou that could make him feel better.

Now that it was already time for dinner, Su Nuo didn't know whether she should go in and serve her master, although a voice in her heart told her that her master didn't need her, and didn't want to even see her now. However, he could not help but walk towards the west wing.

Su Nuo didn't dare to enter recklessly, so she could only stand in a corner. The servants treated her like air, and some of them even looked at her with disdain.

The door was suddenly opened, and Xue Rou walked out from within. She wore a goose-yellow dress, and in the light that wasn't dazzling at all, she looked like a celestial being. Xue Rou saw that Su Nuo's face was full of surprise and she quickly walked over and whispered, "Big sister, why are you here?"

Su Nuo's face slightly blushed as she said, "I, I just came to see Master."

Xue Rou's long, shapely eyebrows creased slightly as she brought Su Nuo to a hidden corner. "Elder sister, you must not go inside. Your Highness seems …" Xue Rou seemed somewhat troubled, but she still said in the end, "Your highness doesn't wish to see Big Sister right now."

Su Nuo nodded. She had already thought of that.

Xue Rou grabbed Su Nuo's hand. "But Sister, don't worry. Once Prince's mood is better, I'll definitely help Sister talk to Prince on her behalf."

Su Nuo raised her head and smiled at Xue Rou. "Thank you."

Xue Rou smiled. "Elder sister, there's no need to be polite with me." Looking at the night sky outside, he said, "Elder sister, you can go back first. It's cold outside."

Su Nuo answered and went back the way she came.

Xue Rou looked at Su Nuo who had disappeared into the night. She gave a cold snort and turned around to leave.

Beichen looked at Xue Rou who had entered, and asked indifferently: "Why did you take so long to come back?"

Xue Rou smiled lightly and said: "Prince, you're thinking of Rou Er so quickly?"

Bei Chen Han looked at her and smiled faintly. He extended his hand and hooked it, causing Xue Rou to obey him. She was like a quiet yet charming fox.

The ripples slowly spread out from the dark lake. It was slow and calm.

Suno sat down on the floor and buried his face in his arms. Just wait a little longer. She would really give up on those eyes.


For the entire night, Su Nuo did not close her eyes. She hid to the side very early and watched as Beichen left the west wing.

Under the light of dusk, Beichen, who was clad in official clothing, looked even more unreal, like an ancient god of war.

As Su Nuo looked at it, the light in her eyes was so bright that it seemed as if she was about to become infatuated with it. If she had to say that the only lucky thing in her life had happened to her, it was to meet her master.

Just a blessing in disguise was enough.

Only when she could no longer see Bei Chen Han's back did Su Nuo leave. She waited until almost noon before she went to the west wing room hesitantly.

Actually, she didn't want to ask Xue Rou, but besides Xue Rou, she didn't have anyone else to ask.

Xue Rou raised her head and saw Su Nuo. Her beautiful face was suddenly filled with a smile as she ran over and pulled Su Nuo onto a chair. "Big sister, why are you here?"

Seeing Xue Rou's smiling face, Su Nuo felt slightly sorry for this person. She hesitantly said, "About that, I wanted to ask a question, that's why I came."

Xue Rou was obviously very interested. "What problem?"

Su Nuo hesitated for a long time. Finally, she opened her mouth and said, "That's right. Is there any medicine that can blind both of your eyes?"

Xue Rou rolled her eyes at Su Nuo and laughed, "Of course there is. For example, it's night grass. But you need to eat more to get used to it." He paused, looked at Su Nuo, and said in shock, "Sister, why are you asking this?"

Su Nuo didn't expect her to ask such a question. Her face was full of panic. "That —"

Xue Rou was unhappy. "Big sister doesn't treat me as one of you? If that's the case, Xue Rou won't force Elder Sister to say it. " As he spoke, he turned around.

Su Nuo had never experienced something like this before, so she hurriedly explained, "No, I didn't mean it that way. I just don't know what to say." Isn't it strange to go blind?

Xue Rou turned around and looked straight at Su Nuo.

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