After packing his things, Su Nuo lay back down on the bed and quietly closed her eyes. She didn't know when this medicine would take effect, but perhaps when she woke up, her eyes would be useless.

Actually, Su Nuo didn't dare to think or think about what the meaning of her actions were. Just tonight, her master had already explained everything very clearly, but she couldn't think about it. If she did, then who would tell her where the meaning of her actions were.

She could only tell herself that her master hated her eyes. As long as those eyes were gone, she would be more like her sister, and her double would be even more perfect.

Master would definitely let her stay by his side again.

It was just that when she woke up the next day, everything was fine. At a glance, everything looked the same as before.

Su Nuo was dumbfounded. She rubbed her eyes. It wasn't an illusion. Her eyes weren't blind. She could see anything. Sue had no idea what was going on, but she had no idea what to do.

She could not ask Xue Rou, nor did she have the money to buy night grass.

Su Nuo panicked, but there was nothing she could do. She took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down, telling herself that it didn't matter. It was just that the effects of the pill had yet to begin.

Thinking like this, Su Nuo felt much better. She put on her clothes and went to work, but every moment was an indescribable torment for her. It was normal all the way until noon, and Su Nuo was somewhat disappointed.

"Fu Jin, Fu Jin." Little Qian Xing hurriedly ran over.

Su Nuo saw that she was in a hurry, and didn't even have time to catch her breath, so she said, "Don't be in such a hurry, let's talk slowly."

Little Qian's face was flushed. Even though it was not obvious on her yellow face, it was still red. "Fu Jin, today is the Prime Minister's birthday. My King, His Royal Highness said that Fu Jin will come with you tonight."

At this moment, Su Nuo did not know whether she was overjoyed or nervous. "Really?"

Little Qian nodded heavily and pouted. "However, that woman is also going there."

Su Nuo didn't understand what he meant, and the depressed look on Qian Jin's face became even more obvious. "It should only be Fu Jin who is going with his highness. Why can the other man from the west wing go as well?"

Su Nuo immediately understood and smiled, "Little Qian, you can't say that. She can be considered your master. Furthermore, Xue Rou is a very good person."

Little Qian looked at Su Nuo angrily. "How is she better? She's much worse than Fu Jin."

Su Nuo smiled. "Don't speak nonsense. Xue Rou really is a good person."

Little Qian stopped talking. Su Nuo touched her head to comfort her.

However, Su Nuo also had a trace of doubt. According to the rules, Xue Rou really couldn't go. After all, she couldn't even be considered a concubine.

When she saw Su Nuo's face filled with smiles, Su Nuo smiled at Little Qian. Little Qian pouted his mouth and wanted to glare at Xue Rou, but due to Su Nuo's presence, he dejectedly withdrew, leaving with a hint of amusement.

Xue Rou glanced at Little Qian, then looked at Su Nuo. "Big sister, I've been looking for you for a long time. So you're here."

Su Nuo put down the work in her hands and smiled. "Why are you out on such a hot day? It's easy to get heat stroke." After interacting with Xue Rou for a long time, Su Nuo always had the illusion that Xue Rou was her little sister. Although she would act like an adult many times, she would occasionally act very childish.

Xue Rou blinked her eyes. "I've missed Big Sister Xue Rou."

Suño smiled at her, and she had no idea how to respond to such sweet words.

Xue Rou pulled Su Nuo to a cool place and said seriously, "Big sister, did the prince tell you that tonight we are going to the Prime Minister's Estate."

Su Nuo nodded.

"Huh? Big sister, you actually didn't change your clothes when you found out about this. Big sister, you couldn't have spread it like this, right?" Xue Rou looked at Su Nuo's very old clothes from top to bottom.

Su Nuo looked down at her clothes and smiled awkwardly. "I don't have any other clothes." Indeed, this was the truth.

A look of defeat appeared on Xue Rou's face. "Alright, I understand." As he spoke, he picked up Su Nuo.

Su Nuo was baffled. "Where are you taking me? My job is not —"

Xue Rou didn't wait for her to finish and dragged her to the west wing. "Big sister, I must dress you up beautifully. Your Highness will definitely like it."

Su Nuo shook her head instinctively.

Xue Rou asked, "Do you really think I want to do it like I did last night?"

Su Nuo was shocked and asked for a long time, "You know about it?"

Xue Rou seemed to realize that she had said the wrong thing and whispered, "It's very noisy."

Su Nuo lowered her head, her face pale. That's right, it was such a loud noise, how could no one else know? However, what she did not know was that there were no servants around the study room. Xue Rou had heard it when she specially went to find Bei Chen Han.

Xue Rou said, "It's alright. Your anger will be gone soon."

Su Nuo smiled weakly. She knew that her master's energy couldn't be dissipated. If it wasn't because of her sister, her master wouldn't even bat an eye in the face of such a huge issue.

As if offering a treasure, Xue Rou brought a red dress to Su Nuo. "Elder sister, you'll definitely be very beautiful if you wear this."

When Su Nuo saw such beautiful clothes, she immediately waved her hands. "No need. That's good." If such a good garment broke, how could she afford it?

Xue Rou instantly stuffed the clothes into Su Nuo's hands. "If Big Sister doesn't want it, I'll cut it off and throw it away."

When Su Nuo saw the resolute look on her face, she felt it was both funny and helpless. After a while, she said, "Alright."

Only then did Xue Rou smile. She sat beside Su Nuo and suddenly whispered, "Sister, I'll go with you. Is sister very angry?"

Su Nuo smiled. "How could that be? I'm not happy yet."

Xue Rou raised her head to look at her. "Actually, I shouldn't have gone, but I was gifted to the prince by the prime minister, so …"

Su Nuo shook her head and laughed, "It's alright, I'm really not angry. The Prime Minister gifted you to my master, it's only right that you go with my master."

However, Su Nuo finally knew that when Master went out with the Prime Minister in the past few days, Xue Rou was already there.

A manservant hurriedly ran into the west wing and said to Xue Rou, "Miss Xue, your highness is waiting for you in the carriage. Please hurry." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Su Nuo. The impatience on his face was completely evident. "You should hurry up too."

"The prince is waiting for us outside." When Xue Rou heard this, she became overjoyed and pulled Su Nuo to change clothes. Su Nuo forced a smile and changed her clothes before following Xue Rou out.

The path that had not been long before suddenly became long for some reason. Su Nuo was very nervous. She didn't know what kind of expression her master would make today. Or was it like last night? No, since there were so many people here today, master would not do such a thing. If that's the case …

There were no signs of Bei Chenghan outside the mansion, only two carriages. However, the one in front was rather luxurious and was in stark contrast to the one behind. No matter how one looked at it, it was just an ordinary carriage.

Xue Rou looked around and asked the servant, "Where is the prince?"

The servant pointed at the carriage. "The prince is in the carriage. Miss Xue, please get in."

Xue Rou waved her hand, signalling for Su Nuo to come into the carriage as well. Su Nuo forced herself to walk a few steps forward, and the attendant helped her up into the carriage. Just as Su Nuo wanted to move forward, he was stopped by the attendant, "What do you dare?"

Su Nuo was speechless. All she knew was that she was looking at the carriage.

The attendant understood and mocked, "The carriage you want to sit in is behind us." As he spoke, without even looking at Su Nuo, he hopped onto the carriage, mounted it, and left.

In that instant, Su Nuo felt her entire body turn cold. Her master did not even want to look at her.

The coachman on the carriage behind grew impatient and shouted at Su Nuo, "You can't get on."

Su Nuo quickly raised her head and nodded to the coachman. The coachman glared at her, and Su Nuo hastily got into the carriage. Actually, this carriage wasn't that bad. It was just that when Su Nuo sat inside, it was so empty that she was flustered. There was nothing around her, as if she couldn't find any light in this dark place.

Suddenly, a strange feeling welled up in his heart. At first, Su Nuo didn't care, but it was immediately replaced by a feeling that was even more obvious than before. Su Nuo was stunned. She did not know if this was the night grass's effect, but if it was. This was the only thing she wanted right now. How pathetic!

After an unknown amount of time, the carriage came to a stop. Su Nuo, who was sitting on it, forced herself to stand up. Her face was very different from when she had left the manor.

Su Nuo did not understand why this was happening. She had only caused her eyes to go blind and her entire body to feel cold. Even her consciousness was slowly being corroded.

Bei Chen Han held Xue Rou and walked straight into the Prime Minister's Residence. When Su Nuo saw him, she instinctively wanted to follow and was stopped by the young servant, "The Prince said that he doesn't want to see you. He wants you to stay within 100 steps of him."

Su Nuo was stunned as she stood there. The attendant said impatiently, "Did you hear it or not? It's really troublesome. No wonder the Prince hates you so much."

Su Nuo did not want to listen to what he was saying, so she just nodded her head out of instinct. She watched as Beichen and Xue Rou walked further and further away from her.

Step by step, the expression on Su Nuo's face was so fragile that she wanted to cry, but she still stood there like a rag doll without tears falling down.

After Bei Chen Han walked for a hundred steps, Su Nuo finally walked forward carefully. Before he had even entered, the noise from the Prime Minister's manor had already been completely leaked out. The garden was filled with people, so no one had noticed that Su Nuo was curled up like a ball.

Bei Chen Han and Xue Rou walked up to the Prime Minister, and said something that made the three of them laugh. Su Nuo watched from afar. Under the night sky, Bei Chen Han's smile was light and graceful, comparing everything in this world with hers.

Suddenly, a bone-piercing cold suddenly wrapped around her, and Su Nuo's face suddenly turned pale white.

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